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Stanislav Razumov

( Member of the Judicial Board on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court.)

Comments for Stanislav Razumov
Biography Stanislav Razumov
Born on November 19 1949. Revda in the Sverdlovsk region. Father - Razumov Alexander (1928-1992). Mother - Razumova Valentine Kondratyevna (1921-1995), participant of the Great Patriotic War, defended Moscow, served in the Army Air Defense, the commander of the post of balloons.

Wife - Razumova Irina (rod.28.05.1951), the working teacher of music education in the educational center of Moscow N1801. She was good at children's morning and the holidays, which are held by its scenarios and with the support and enthusiasm of the hot teachers and tutors Center. By virtue of employment of spouse, on the shoulders Irina went to a very difficult task of education and their children who are hoping the couple grow worthy people

. Son - Sergiy S. Razumov (rod.12.03.1973 g.), . served active duty in the Army Signal Corps, . currently working in the management of communication RCC Central Bank of Russia, . student absentee faculty Penza State Technical University, . fascinated by cars and modern music, . he drives a good car, . has a decent music library,

The second son - Dmitry Razumov S. (rod.23.03.1980), the law student at the Institute of International Law and Economics im.A.S.Griboedova, wrote poetry, in 1998. publishing house 'Bereginja' released his first collection of poems, attracted antiquity.

After graduating in 1967, secondary school N29 Revda SA Razumov, an attempt was made to enter the military academy, as at that time dreamed of almost every boy. However, the attempt was unsuccessful. Since August 1967. began work on an electrical Revdinskiy hardware-metallurgical plant and worked there until the call in the Armed Forces of the USSR. He served from May 1968 to June 1970. in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

With a firm conviction to continue their education Stanislav in 1970. enrolled in the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (now the Urals Law Academy), who graduated in 1974. specialty 'jurisprudence'. Since then, the work is related to the judicial activities. Starting trainee judges of the October District Court Penza (August 1974-January 1975.), . continued his activities judge Lenin (1975-1979 gg.), . Pershamajski (1979-1982 gg.) District courts Penza, . judge Penza Oblast Court (1982-1985 gg.), . Deputy Chairman of Penza Oblast Court, . leading the work of the judicial collegium on criminal cases (1985-February 1987.),
. In February 1987 he was elected judge of the Supreme Court. SA mind works in the judicial collegium on criminal cases, is the deputy chairman of the board of the court, which in the supervisory control of the courts in the vast territory of Russia - from the Omsk region and Sakhalin

. In 1994, SA Razumov was assigned the highest qualification grade judge, . in April 1997 for the longstanding and conscientious work of the judges was given the honorary title "Honorary Lawyer of Russia ', . and during the celebration of 850 anniversary of Moscow was awarded the Jubilee Medal 'In Memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow',

Working in the Supreme Court of Russia, became interested in scientific activity, in particular, questions of punishment under criminal law Russia. Holds monthly meetings with the judges of the district and regional level in Russia the legal academy, where details on the lectures and practical classes address issues relating to sentencing. On this theme has a number of publications. The most significant of them: "Commentary chapters 9 and 10 of the Criminal Code of Russia '(edited by Yu Skuratov and VM Lebedev - M., . 'Infra-M-Norma', . 1996), 'Scientific and practical commentary sections 3 - 5 of the Criminal Code of Russia' (edited by VM Lebedev, . issued by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, . Warsaw, . 1997); 'Comment Rossiyskogo law' (Russia issued legal academy, . M., . 1997); 'punishment should be fair' - a booklet of a series of 'Lessons from the Law' (published by society 'knowledge', . 1996),
. In addition, SA Razumov - author of a number of methodological approaches to the same subject.

SA Razumov - Associate Professor of Criminal Law Sciences Academy of Russia legal RF Ministry of Justice. His knowledge transfers and students of the International Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

. SA Razumov was a member of many scientific and practical conferences, . seminars, . symposia on judicial reform in Russia, . conducted in Russia and abroad, government and public organizations in Russia, . as well as through the Council of Europe, . OSCE, . American Bar Association and several other foreign organizations,
. In the past few years has been a member of the working group for drafting the new Criminal Procedure Code and a working group to review the proposals and suggestions to improve the criminal law, . which created the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly,

As a representative of the judiciary is a member of the Expert Council of the Commission on Human Rights under President of Russia and member of the National Committee for the Year of Human Rights in Russia

. In his spare time, . which practically no, . love with his wife to rest on the nature, . park, . rarely, . but with great pleasure that happens in the theater and concert favorite artists, . Weekend loves to cook something tasty and happy as a child, . when he was praised for a successful dish,
. Likes quiet modern and classical music.

Lives and works in Moscow. Address: 103289, Moscow, ul.Ilinka, 7 / 3

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  • Kovalev Pavel for Stanislav Razumov
  • Stasik! Hi! Write you a letter. Give felt. If you do not forget the little Commissioner. My phone +7 9089079473 Address 624449 Russia, Sverdlovsk region, city Krasnotur'insk Gogol Street, 25, or write to e-mail here
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    REASON Alexander
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    Razumov Elena
    Rostotsky Stanislav I.
    Rostotsky Stanislav I.

    News by themeStanislav Razumov:
    Stanislav Razumov, photo, biography
    Stanislav Razumov, photo, biography Stanislav Razumov  Member of the Judicial Board on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court., photo, biography
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