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Beckman Vladimir

( cavalry general and administrative activities)

Comments for Beckman Vladimir
Biography Beckman Vladimir
Born in 1848 in 1866. Nicholas graduated from the course of the school guard of cadets, and in 1873,. Course Nicholas General Staff Academy, he served in the military service in Warsaw, then in terms of Odessa. In January 1905. appointed Commander of 20 Corps, located in Riga and Courland Province. The revolutionary movement in this province has led to the spread of her August 6, 1905, Mr.. martial law; Boeckmann was appointed a temporary military governor-general of Courland, . from Riga moved to Mitavsky castle and gave himself up to pacify the province, . and has made successful, . extensive use of punitive expeditions and the death penalty,
. In 1906, Mr.. Beckman was appointed commander in Helsingfors 22-Third Army Corps, giving way to Kurland Muller-Zakomelsky. In February 1908. Beckman was appointed governor-general of the Finnish position on NN. Gerard, this appointment was the result of the triumph of nationalist movements in Russia, sought to Russification of Finland. However, in his acceptance speech, vice-president of the Finnish Senate Mehelinu, . welcome the new Governor-General, . Beckman said, . that the union between Russia and Finland, he understood only in the cultural sense, . not in the sense of mechanical connection, and then expressing confidence, . that the rights of Finland and its constitution are not violated, . Beckman said, . that the main cause of dissatisfaction Finland is the assumption of its residence in the territory of the Russian revolutionaries, . Here are preparing their plots, it can not tolerate Russia and Finland should not lose sight of their responsibilities in relation to the empire at this time the circumstances be such, . it, . if he wants to remain loyal, . should be in some cases deviate from the letter of existing law,
. Recognition of the inviolability of the constitution caused discontent against Beckman in the Russian conservative press, and the demand expressed in the latter part of the speech Beckman, did not serve enough for her compensation. In contrast, the Finnish Senate, which dominated the Swedish party, with Mehelinom headed, was ready to go to this requirement. Soon, however, conflict broke Beckman and Senate, and the Diet. Already in March 1908. second Finnish Diet was dissolved on presentation Beckman. Beckman demanded increasing the severity of censorship applied not restored until the regulations on passports, intensified police repression of the assembly and t. d. As a result of this activity in May 1908. Mehelin and several other senators Swedish party resigned and were replaced starofinnomanami. At the same time set up extensive plans - the rejection of the Finnish province of Vyborg, then spread it with compulsory military conscription service Finns outside Finland. Nevertheless, Russian nationalist and reactionary press and union leaders of the Russian people found dissatisfaction with the lack of energy by Beckman in the suppression of the separatist aspirations of the Finnish. We Beckman occurred constant conflicts with his assistant, Gen. Zane (former assistant to Gerard has in recent months, his administration), who sought to pursue a policy more strongly than the Beckman. In October 1909, during the trial of the murder Gertsenshtein in Terioki from the courtroom by a judge's order was dismissed attorney Boulatzel (a member of Union of Russian People), who continued to shout, despite the denial of his words. The incident caused severe irritation, not only against Finland, but also against Beckman in the ranks of the Union of Russian People. Expression of this resentment was a telegram from Yalta, the Governor-General, General Dumbadze, . addressed directly Beckmann, . which Dumbadze said, . that "the festive mood on the southern coast of Crimea (on the occasion of stay of the Emperor), overshadowed by the unprecedented audacity, . completely the Finnish trial of a Russian man ..,
. All are struck that you, his activity in Kurland earned the full respect to himself and trust, now in Finland, coolly looking at a number of bullying and mockery of the Russian people ". This rebuke Major General Dumbadze General of Cavalry Beckmann, his senior in rank and not subordinate to him in the service, was a gross insult that should not go unpunished. Beckman brought the complaint to the chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. Stolypin, but the complaint is left without consequences. Beckman resigned (November 1909). In place of his governor-general in Finland, was appointed general Zane. V. Vodovozov.

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Beckman Vladimir, photo, biography Beckman Vladimir  cavalry general and administrative activities, photo, biography
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