Boris Alexandrovich (Grand Duke of Tver)( Grand Prince of Tver)
Comments for Boris Alexandrovich (Grand Duke of Tver)
Biography Boris Alexandrovich (Grand Duke of Tver)
the younger of two sons, Alexander Ivanovich, Grand Prince of Tver. Born in Tver, about 1339, after the death of his father and older brother, who died one after another from ulcers, was on the reign of Tver in 1426, Mr.. Principality of Tver at the time was very worn out the previous fight with the Muscovite princes, to maintain its independence Boris concluded with Vitold (August 1427) Union, . in which it promised to be at one with the Lithuanian prince, . "at his side", . and help him on all without exception, . what Vitovt its part, promised to defend Boris Aleksandrovich from any "word and deed", . in the grand duchy of Tver, . "in the land and its waters", . not enter, . By virtue of this treaty the following year Boris sent its army to Novgorod, which had fought then Vytautas. Upon the death of Vytautas (27 October 1430) he entered into alliance with Svidrigailov on the same terms and helped him to fight Vitovtovym brother, Sigismund Keystutevichem, for several years (1430 - 1435). During the internecine wars of the Moscow Grand Prince Vasily with his uncle Yury Dmitrievich and his sons, Boris entered into a contract with him, . which, . preserving the equality provisions, . called the Grand Duke of Moscow only "brother", . refused an alliance with Lithuania and pledged to help Basil II in his struggle against the enemies, . Year of the contract is uncertain, but already in 1440, Mr.. Boris sent his troops to help Vasily Vasilyevich, who was fighting with Novgorod. With the help of his troops fought with Basil Shemyaka, in 1446, and in the same year he was with the army under Rzhev, which he granted the prince of Moscow. In 1452, Mr.. He married his daughter to the son Vasileva - John, after which his friendly relations with the prince of Moscow did not stop until his death (in 1461, 10 February). Boris was married twice: 1) Anastasia, . Princess Mozhaisk, . of which had a daughter Mary, . issued for John Vasilyevich of Moscow, 2) to Anastasia, . Princess Suzdal; from this marriage had two sons, . Michael and Alexandra, . the first of which was the last independent Prince of Tver.,