GOREV Fedor Petrovich( Drama actor)
Comments for GOREV Fedor Petrovich
Biography GOREV Fedor Petrovich
(1850 - 1910), with 16 years playing in various provincial cities and Moscow. In 1878, Mr.. Alexandrinsky debuted in the theater, but was adopted only after 2 years (1880). Soon transferred to Moscow's Maly Theater and remained in the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to death (with a break of several years devoted a private theater: Korsch, Yavorskaya and the province, where he was widely known). Uncommon artist with a predominance of feeling over reason, inspiration on technique, Gorev aroused enthusiasm of some and severe judgments of those who completed in the scenic art puts higher moment of inspiration. Gorev outplayed over 300 roles. Perfectly executed them Schiller: Carl, . Ferdinand, . Don Carlos; Chatsky and Repetilov; Zhadov, . Arman ( "La Dame aux Camelias"), . Basil (Kashirskaya Olden), . Gregory ( "Fruits of Enlightenment"), . Choglov-Sokovin ( "bitter fate."), . Nicephorus Phocas ( "Teofan), . Ilim (Life Ilimova), . Opole ( "old master"), . Tomilin ( "Wind"), etc., . - See. "Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters" (1909, No.. 6 and 7, 1910, No.. 4 and 8). P. Ros-in.