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Grigoriev Vasily

( Orientalist)

Comments for Grigoriev Vasily
Biography Grigoriev Vasily
(1816 - 1881). He graduated from the course at St. Petersburg University, in the department of Oriental Languages. He began to publish, while still a student ( "History of the Mongols", 1834). Disorder with Senkovsky prevented Grigoriev received the chair in St. Petersburg and forced him, in 1838, do professor of Oriental languages in the Richelieu Lyceum. Placed in "Memoirs of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities" several articles, . of which is given by the method of study and the findings: "On the Kufic coins VIII, . IX, . X and part VII and XI., . discovered in Russia and the Baltic countries, . as a source for the ancient country's history ",
. This article and still has not lost its significance. Articles Grigorieva in the East have been published and in other local publications, especially in the "Almanac of Odessa and Novorossiysk Calendar. In 1842, Mr.. Grigoriev wrote his dissertation: "On the reliability of labels, data khans of the Golden Horde Russian clergy". In 1844, Mr.. Grigoriev moved to St. Petersburg and joined the Department of Religious Affairs. Helping Nadezhdin edit the Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "and placing the articles where a great variety of content, Grigoriev worked in many societies - both geographical and archaeological. In 1851, Mr.. Grigoriev joined the Orenburg region and was promoted to chief of the border mission, where the case focused on Relations with the khanate and management Kirgiz. This gave him the opportunity to write several articles, . Turkestan on the edge of whom has an outstanding importance: "Some developments in Bukhara, . Kokand and Kashgar: the note of Mirza е·emsi Bukhari ", . where reported interesting historical information and first given a sample of the Tajik dialect,
. Strong resentment in the literary world had offered to Grigorieva on Granovsky: TN. Granovsky up his professorship in Moscow "(" Russian Conversation ", 1856). The attacks, scattered on Grigoryeva, especially from Kavelin, Grigoriev tried to reflect in the articles: "The significance of nationality" and "education for a nation" ( "Rumor", 1857). Other articles Grigoriev tried to clarify our objectives and interests in Central Asia. Some of them have been translated into English Skaylerom. In 1862, Mr.. Grigoriev left the service in the Orenburg region, and the next took the chair of history of the East St. Petersburg University, which elevated him to the degree of Doctor of Literature honoris causa East. In this period the major work of his: "Kabulistan and Kafiristan" (1867) and "East Turkistan" (1869 and 1873), and a monograph on the Scythian people Saks (1871). In 1869 and 1870 years Grigoryev was the editor of the Official Gazette. In 1874,. he replaced Longinov officio Chief of the Press. For the 3rd International Congress of Orientalists in St. Petersburg in 1876, Mr.. Grigoryev published his first collection of articles, entitled: "Russia and Asia". In 1878, Mr.. Grigoriev left the University and in 1880. retired. In the Journal of the Ministry of People's Rights "for 1881. published his work: "On the campaign of Alexander the Great in West Turkistan". As a publicist, Grigoriev partly belonged to the Slavophiles as a scientist, he discovered a deep knowledge of the history of the East, the study of which, especially the Central Asian, far to move them forward. Wed. NI. Veselovskii "Vasily Grigoriev, from his letters and writings" (St. Petersburg, 1887). N. Veselovsky.

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