Alexander Zaitsev( chemist)
Comments for Alexander Zaitsev
Biography Alexander Zaitsev
(1841 - 1910). He graduated from the course at the University of Kazan, where there was also a professor of chemistry. Pupil of the famous п?.п?. Butlerova, who studied in the period of establishing the theory of chemical structure, povedshey rapid flourishing of organic chemistry, Zaitsev dedicated to her all his activities, as a direct successor of п?.п?. Butlerova. Zaitsev first work dedicated to her all his activities, as a direct successor of п?.п?. Butlerova. Zaitsev's first work was published in the annals of Liebig in 1864, the last - in the Journal of Russian Physico-Chemical Society in 1907. He has published about 38 research and with more than a hundred satisfied his numerous disciples with him or under his supervision. In addition, he published a course of organic chemistry and analytical tables, and made many critical articles and reviews. Work of his devoted exclusively fatty compound and are, . mainly, . to the field of organic synthesis and study of unsaturated compounds, . primary, . secondary and especially tertiary (saturated and unsaturated), alcohol, . higher unsaturated acids, . hydroxy acids derived from them, . as well as some limit acids, . He gave a new synthesis of tertiary alcohols from ketones, opened the first PTB-butyrolactone, etc.. A detailed review of scientific activity Zaitseva cm. Article C. Reformed and A. Albitskaya ( "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, 1911, XLIII, 876). Important work Zaitsev: "On the action of nitric acid in some organic compounds of sulfur and diatomic about the new series of organic sulfur compounds, . obtained in this reaction (Kazan, . 1867, . Master's thesis), "A new method of converting fatty acids into the corresponding alcohol, . Normal butyl alcohol (propyl-carbinol) and its transformation into a secondary butyl alcohol (methyl-ethyl-carbinol) (Kazan, . 1870, . doctoral thesis), "Course of Organic Chemistry" (Kazan, . 1890 - 1892), "Education and properties of unsaturated alcohols" ( "Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, . 1876 and 1877): "New research lime and barite salts diethyl-and metilpropiluksusnoy acids" (ib., . 1881), "Making butirinovogo lactone in normal butirinovuyu acid" (ib., . 1881), "Synthesis of tertiary alcohols from ketones limit" (ib., . 1885), "On the oxidation of oleic and elaidic acid margantsovokislym potassium in alkaline solution" (ib., . 1885).,