Sieber-noise Hope Olimpievna( Chemist)
Comments for Sieber-noise Hope Olimpievna
Biography Sieber-noise Hope Olimpievna
Born in 1856. Listened to lectures Wagner, Mendeleyev, Famintsyna, Butlerova the so-called higher rates of Vladimir in St. Petersburg, and under the guidance of the latter occupy a special chemistry. She was married to Professor NI. Sieber (see), graduated from the Medical Faculty in Bern and began the physiological chemistry under the guidance Nentskogo, which was appointed assistant. In 1891, Mr.. moved to the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine, assistant director of its department of chemical. In 1895 and 1898. participated in the expeditions, which compete with cattle plague by immunization (Caucasus). After a 11-year-old self (on the death Nentskogo in 1901) superintendence chemical separation was set at its head, having the right full member of the Institute (first woman). In 1906, Mr.. with Professor NP. Simanovsky founded the estate of "Dawn" Novgorod Province female gymnasium in memory of his sister, a doctor EO. Noise-Simanovsky for children of peasants, popular teachers and villagers. Sieber-Noise produced many works on physiological chemistry, partly in collaboration with Professor Nentskim; they relate, . mainly, . chemical composition of various pigments in animal tissues and excreta, . coloring matter of blood and its derivatives, . oxidases and other enzymes, . biology of fermentation and putrefaction, . chemical composition of bacteria, . toxins, . antitoxin, . All work up to 1901. collected in published Sieber-Noise posthumous collection of works M.V. Nentskogo (Marceli Nencki Opera omnia, Braunschweig, 1904); subsequent printed in "Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chemie "and" Russian doctors ". Under the leadership of Sieber-noise came from the Institute of more than 60 works.