Kubarev Alexei Mikhailovich( philologist and palaeologist)
Comments for Kubarev Alexei Mikhailovich
Biography Kubarev Alexei Mikhailovich
(1796 - 1881). He graduated from the course at Moscow University. Defended his master's thesis: "De origine, summo perfectionis gradu variisque fatis eloquentiae Romanae", Kubarev took the chair of Roman literature at Moscow University. Print: several books on Latin grammar, . "The theory of Russian poetry" (M., . 1837), "Cornelius Nepos biographies of the principal commanders" (M., . 1867), "On Sallyustievoy speech against Cicero and some of the boxes, . located in the rhetorical manuals Quintilian "(M., . 1879), "New critical notes on the biographies of Cornelius Nepos" (M., . 1873) and others, . Stamp. Pogodin spoke about Kubareva that "it Latinist, which we have little". Of particular prominence Kubarev acquired works by Russian palaeologist: "Nestor, the first writer of Russian history, ecclesiastical and civil" ( "Russian Historical Collection", Moscow, 1840, t, . 1847, . Book 9), "On the editorial Paterikon Crypt" (ib., . 1858, . Book 3) "How did word of the Kremlin" (ib., . 1873, . Book 4) etc., . - Wed. Barsukov "Russian Palaiologos Forties" ( "Old and New Russia", 1880, and separately); Languages "Review" for 1881.