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Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas

( The well-known criminologist)

Comments for Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas
Biography Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas
(1840 - 1896). He studied first at the Mathematical, then at the Faculty of St. Petersburg University, after which he attended lectures on jurisprudence at Berlin, Heidelberg and Geneva. The introduction of judicial reform, he was elected magistrate, Mr.. Petersburg; later was chairman of the St. Petersburg the capital of the world congress. Turning the crown service, . served as Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Justice, . Procurator Criminal Cassation Department of the Senate (1881), . Procurator General Meeting of appeals documents, . Comrade Secretary of State and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs (1895),
. He has worked in the legal community at St. Petersburg University. Very great was his participation in numerous studies, . mainly legislative committees: to revise the laws on personal recruiting workers and workers, . the abolition of passports, . to transform the township courts, . on the device life of the Jews, . the prison conversion, . on drafting a new criminal code, etc.,
. He translated a textbook of criminal law Berner (with extensive additions), and several foreign criminal codes. Many years in a row, he was a professor of criminal law in the Military Law Academy. In his multifaceted activities he was distinguished by a rare power of dialectic, everywhere and always with first steps made a strong impression and immediately became a hot admirers and sharp poritsateley. His first appeared in the independent press his scholarly work, the thesis for a master's degree of criminal law: "Statistical studies", drew a great deal of attention. It was Russia's first experience of using statistical methods to the phenomena of crime. Cavelin Neklyudova called "the rising luminary; Spasovich supporting this assessment, believed that from the shortcomings, fascinated by the author of the poetry of science", Nekludov free "work and years". Especially great was the influence Neklyudova of criminal jurisprudence. At first justice of the peace met with great difficulties, dependent primarily on the obsolescence of our substantive law. Nekludov came to her aid with its capital "Guidelines for Justices of the Peace" (two editions). Great importance is also his extensive "Guide to the special part of the Penal Code". Subjecting a comprehensive assessment of the current law regulations, . Nekludov tried to discover the true meaning of, . being treated with special attention to the practice of Criminal Cassation Department of the Senate, . without sacrificing it to the harsh criticism of the Senate interpretations,
. The conclusions, which Nekludov to seek the Senate for the post of chief prosecutor, he was always talented, but sometimes paradoxical interpreter of the law. One of them is given on some acquittals, the jury, caused rebuttal Spasovich drawn up and signed by all former Presidents of the Council of barristers. - See. in the Journal of the Ministry of Justice "(1896,? 8) st. N.D. Sergeevskoe and in the Journal of the Law Society "(1896," 10, and 1897, # 1) speech VD. Kuzmina-Karavayeva and VD. Spasovich.

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Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas, photo, biography
Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas, photo, biography Neklyudov Adrianovich Nicholas  The well-known criminologist, photo, biography
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