Bailey, Alice Anne( British activist Theosophical movement)
Comments for Bailey, Alice Anne
Biography Bailey, Alice Anne
(Bailey; nee Lyatroub-Bateman (La Trobe-Bateman)) (Alice Ann) (16.06.1880, 07:41 GT, Manchester - 15.12.1949, New York) I left the Theosophical Society in 1919, to organize their own "Arcane School". In 1920, Mr.. B. married Theosophical Foster Beylinga. Among astrologers B. known primarily for his book on esoteric astrology, which, according to B., was dictated to her by Master DK, or Tibetan. This work was the only great book in the field of astrology for many decades. B. also written ( "referred") work on astrology of "Fate of Nations". Thus B. claimed that she was quite aware astrology.
In 1930-ies. B. organized the publishing house "Lucis Publishing Co." New York, which publishes the occult literature, and greatly facilitated the spread of astrological knowledge. In particular, after reading an article by D Radyara in the magazine "American Astrology" in 1934, B. persuaded him to collect all the articles in one book and published it in their company. This was the first and most famous astrology book Radyara - Astrology personality.