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Pletnev, Petr

( Famous critic Pushkin era)

Comments for Pletnev, Petr
Biography Pletnev, Petr
1792 - 1862
Place of the clergy, education in Tver seminary and in the main teachers' training college, was a teacher of literature in women's institutions and cadet corps. In 1832, Mr.. took the chair of Russian literature at St. Petersburg University, where from 1840 to 1861. and was rector. Pletnev belonged also to the composition of the second branch of the Academy of Sciences since its formation in 1841, taught Russian language and literature Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich, etc.. of imperial house. Very early Pletnev became close with Pushkin and other luminaries of Pushkin's circle. Character is extremely soft, delicate and obliging, Pletnev was a loyal and caring friend that has been accessed, and Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Gogol, all of them served Pletnev and deed, and the Board; his opinion they are valued. Speaking at a literary career poems, which in 1820-ies appeared in "Sorevnovatele", "Transactions of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature of Russia", "Northern Flowers", etc.. magazines and anthologies, and which, with the smoothness of the verse, sometimes not without grace and poetic spark, Pletnev soon turned to literary criticism, having become a mouthpiece of theoretical views of Pushkin circle. Already in his first critical article, . dedicated poems Milonova (in "Sorevnovatele", . 1822), . Pletnev argued, . that the poet must be born, . and can not be done, . but innate talent to spend a lot of work, . purely technical, . to fully master the form and give it harmony, . elegance, . beauty,
. Both of these ideas at that time were entirely new, and lay the basis for all the aspirations of Pushkin's circle: The first idea is the negation pseudo, . his desire, . through the rhetoric and piitiki, . artificially create the poets, the second line with the essence of the literary movement of the time, . whose task was precisely to establish the forms of poetry and language,
. Home Pletnev merit was the fact that as early as 1820, even earlier critical essays not only Venevitinov, Kireevskoe, Nadezhda, and Field, he introduced features so in essence, to an intrinsic property of their poetry. These were the first appeared in 1822, Mr.. evaluation of Zhukovsky and Batiushkov. Pletnev already foresaw that the Russian literature to be, not limited to the assimilation of foreign forms, to be finally on the popular stage. In the article about the idyllic Gnedich "Fishermen" (1822), he divides the poetry of the "universal" or "uncertain" and "popular", and prefers the last one before the first. The question of nationality in literature in 1833, Mr. Pletnev. devoted an entire speech in which he pointed out the importance of folk poems for literature in terms of patriotism and artistic expression. By the end of 1830 Pletnev was a remarkable for that time of the national characteristics of literature, . about its relationship with the life of society, . on the individual abilities of the writer, . the need to "paint and life", . without which literature would make it "dry out the abstractions",
. Left to the end of his days peacefully aesthetics, . imparted primary importance on the form and language, . Pletnev was unable to avoid discord with the further development of literature, but came out of the circle of Pushkin, . where neoclassic Batiushkov peacefully coexisted with romantic Zhukovsky, . and the latter warmly welcomed the realist Gogol, . Pletnev always keep an, . love watching the progress of literature and, . general, . recognized the right of new literary forms and trends, . if only their was a harbinger of a strong talent, . satisfied the aesthetic requirements,
. He was able to understand Gogol, with his strengths and weaknesses: it belongs to one of the best assessments "Dead Souls" (in "Contemporary", 1842). The lack of routine and subtle sense of fine was allowed Pletnev delighted to welcome many of the rising luminary 1840 g. - Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Pisemsky, Ostrovsky, Pleshheeva, Ap. Maikova, Polonsky, Belinsky, but he was unable to understand and treated him with anger. In the course of seven years (since late 1824) with Baron Delwig, and from 1832. - Pushkin, Pletnev shared works on editing "Northern Flowers", and in 1838 - 1846 he was the successor of Pushkin's editorial "Contemporary", but the last log in Pletnev's hands, few participate in the new literary movement. "Works and Correspondence" Pletnev published I. Groth, in three volumes (St. Petersburg, 1885). Many materials for the characterization Pletnev in Correspondence YA.K. Grotto with P.A. Pletnev (St. Petersburg, 1896). See. Article. Skabichevskys in the Journal of Europe "(1885,? 11) and L. Mike "The Historical and Literary Essays" (St. Petersburg, 1895).

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Pletnev, Petr, photo, biography
Pletnev, Petr, photo, biography Pletnev, Petr  Famous critic Pushkin era, photo, biography
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