Poletika Gregory A.( Writer)
Comments for Poletika Gregory A.
Biography Poletika Gregory A.
1725 - 1784 After graduating from the course at the Kiev Theological Academy, Poletika was a translator for the Academy of Sciences and the Synod, and later was an inspector of classes in the sea cadet corps. In 1767, Mr.. He was chosen from the nobility Lubensky regiment a deputy to the commission for a new Code, and wrote this as two large notes: "The objection to the instruction malorossiyskoy board committee deputy Dmitry Natalino (" Reading the Moscow Society for the History and Antiquities of Russian ", . 1851, . Volume III) and "Opinion on Reported in 1768, Mr., . in the commission of a new Code Project Human noble "(" Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society, Volume XXXVI). He is a defender of the autonomy of Little Russia is jealous and intercession of approval for Little Russia the rights and privileges of the nobility, "which de during identities Maly Russia under Polish confirmability were". In his youth Poletika, . Miller said, . Article translated from the Greek for "Monthly Works" and wrote an article on early, . renewal and dissemination of teaching and schools in Russia and the current state of the add ", . which, . as nothing is said about the Russian schools to the XVII century, . was recognized first by Lomonosov, . and then the Academic Office of the "inappropriate" for printing, . Poletika belong translation: "Epiktet, . Stoic philosophy and enhiridion apophthegm "(1759), . "Kevit Thebes, . picture or image of the human Lives "(1759), . "Xenophon, . of memorable cases and conversations Socratic and Socratic justification before sudiyami "(1762), . "The true foundation of Christian faith and positions, . or exhortation to the Gentiles, . applying the Christian faith "(1762), . and "Dictionary of six languages: Russia, . Greek, . Latin, . French, . German and English "(1763), . In "Readings in the historical society chronicler Nestor" (Volume XI) published excerpts from his "Notes on the beginning of the Kiev Academy". See. A. Lazarevsky "Excerpts from the family archive Poletika" (in the Kiev Antiquities ", 1891,? 4), PP. Pekarsky, editor, staff and censorship in the Russian journals 1755 - 1764 years "(St. Petersburg, 1868); D. Miller, "Sketches from the history and legal life of the old Little Russia" (1897; are analyzed note Poletika of nobility