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TKACHEV Peter Nikitich

( ideologist Blanquist techeniyav populism, revolutionary, thinker, writer.)

Comments for TKACHEV Peter Nikitich
Biography TKACHEV Peter Nikitich

Trivia Studied at the Faculty of St. Petersburg Zap. For participation in the revolutionary movement was in the Peter and Paul fortress, and Kronstadt. In 1873 escaped from exile abroad. Closely related to SN Nechayev. In 1875-1881 he published in Geneva, journal "Alarm". From 1882 he was seriously ill, died in a psychiatric clinic. His "realism" contrasted the "philosophy", created the doctrine of the historic initiative, has the primary role of the will of the revolutionaries. He played for an immediate revolution in Russia. Denies the objectivity of the laws of history.

Characteristics of views "TKACHEV a precursor of Bolshevism than Marx and Engels. It is interesting as a theorist of the Russian Revolution and as a precursor of Bolshevism. His mind was sharp. But the cultural level of its very low. He was also a literary critic, is very bad, acknowledged "War and Peace" incompetent and harmful product. This bear witness about the existence of the gap between the revolutionary movement and the movement of cultural ". (Berdyaev H. A. Russian idea. / / About Russia and Russian philosophical culture. M. 1990. S. 148)

Teaching The immediate aim of the revolution.
'Mental strength, isolated from the forces of material, can produce only so-called peace progress. On the other hand, any attack on the existing order of things, not led and disciplined force of mental, can produce a chaotic ferment - the movement of the senseless, pointless and in the end is always reactionary. But since in modern societies in general, . and Russia in particular, . material strength is concentrated in the state power, . then, . hence, . true revolution, . - A real metamorphosis in the power of moral force of the material, . - Can be accomplished only under one condition: the capture of revolutionary state power in their hands, in other words, . Nearest, . immediate aim of the revolution should be none other than, . as only, . to take possession of government and transform this, . Conservative State into a revolutionary,
. To deny the immutability of this condition, deny that the immediate aim of any revolution - it means or does not understand its essence, or deliberately try to prevent its practical implementation. "
(Tkachev II. N. M., 1976. S. 94 - 95).
Program of the revolutionary state
. 'After consolidating its power, . relying on the People's Duma and widely using propaganda, . revolutionary state will implement a social revolution, a number of reforms in the field of economic, . political and legal relations of society, . - Reform, . general nature which should consist of: 1) the gradual transformation of the modern ejido, . based on the principle of temporary, . private ownership, . the community-district, . based on the principle of general, . sharing instruments of production and general, . joint labor, 2) in the gradual expropriation of the means of production, . Privately-owned, . and transferring them into general use, and 3) the gradual introduction of such public institutions, . that address the need for any mediation was the exchange of products and would change the very principle of its, . - The principle of bourgeois justice: an eye for an eye, . a tooth for a tooth, . quid pro quo, . - The principle of brotherly love and solidarity, and 4) the gradual elimination of physical, . mental and moral inequality between people by means of a compulsory system of public, . all the same, . integral education in the spirit of love, . equality and fraternity, 5) in the gradual destruction of the existing family, . based on the principle of subordination of women, . Slavery of Children and selfish tyranny of men, 6) in the development of community self-government and the gradual weakening and abolition of the central functions of state power,
. That should be, in our opinion, the most common features of the program of the revolutionary state '.
(Ibid.. From 97).
Organization of revolutionary forces
. 'If the closest achievable revolutionaries is reduced to violent attack on the existing political power in order to capture this power in their hands, . then it naturally follows, . that it is the implementation of this very problem and should be sent to all the efforts of a genuinely revolutionary party,
. To carry it all easier and more convenient through the state conspiracy. State is a conspiracy, thus, if not only, in any case, the principal and most appropriate way to violent revolution. But everyone recognizes the need for government conspiracy thus must recognize the need for a disciplined organization of the revolutionary forces.

Major works 1 / Izbr. op. V.1-6. M., 1932-1937, 2 / Selected literary-critical articles. Leningrad, 1928.

Works 1 / Izbr. op. V.1-6. M., 1932-1937, 2 / Selected literary-critical articles. Leningrad, 1928; 3 / Op. At 2 m. M., 1976.

Literature Koz'min B. PN Tkachev and the revolutionary movement of 1860-ies. M., 1922; He. On the question of the relation of the PN Tkachev to Marxism / Lit. inheritance. T. 7 / 8. Moscow, 1933; Shakhmatov B.M. PN Tkachev. Etudes for creative portrait. M., 1981, History of Russian Philosophy: Ordinance. Literature, ed. in the USSR in Russian. я?пЇ. in 1968-1977 he. M., 1981. T. 2.

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TKACHEV Peter Nikitich, photo, biography
TKACHEV Peter Nikitich, photo, biography TKACHEV Peter Nikitich  ideologist Blanquist techeniyav populism, revolutionary, thinker, writer., photo, biography
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