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William Lilly (Lilly)

( English astrologer, and to this day is considered the greatest representative of horary astrology among all known astrologers.)

Comments for William Lilly (Lilly)
Biography William Lilly (Lilly)
(1 [11] .05.1602, <2:09:15 GT>, Daysuort, Leychestershir, England - 9.06.1681, near Hershema, Surrey)
His father, a farmer, was preparing his son to the career of an Anglican priest, but the money for the education her son did not have. In 1620, Mr.. penniless L. arrived in London to seek his fortune. He became secretary and assistant to the wealthy, but the illiterate townspeople Gilbert Wright, who died seven years later, leaving the L. pension of twenty pounds per year. Shortly thereafter, L. married the widow Wright. Thus, in 1627, Mr.. L. gained financial independence. Six years later his wife died. All he was married three times.
In 1632, Mr.. L. began to study astrology, studied at the Welsh astrologer Evans. L. managed to buy a large astrological library, he began to practice and already in 1633, Mr.. made a name for himself. At one time, L. even advised King Charles I (1625 - 1649). At the outbreak of civil war L. managed to get along with both parties. He was very capable of working, in the year amounted to thousands of horoscopes. Among his clients were the main contingent of clerks, merchants and artisans, nobles and seamen. Like many of his contemporaries, L. published almanac with the predictions (first edition was published in 1665). Due to its projected L. became known among his contemporaries. He foresaw the English Revolution and the sun sign of its leader Oliver Cromwell (Taurus). In his essay "Monarchy or no monarchy", released in 1651, L. accurately described the years 1665-66, threatening Londoners great fire and the invasion of plague. On the forecast L. not pay attention, and indeed when the trouble broke out, he was called to the court in parliament and accused of complicity with the devil, in the burning of the city. With great difficulty L. persuaded specially created for this occasion, the Committee of the House of Commons in his innocence to the fire, and preceded him plague. It should be noted that L. repeatedly called for justice in connection with his astrological practice. But every time with the help of astrology, he managed not only happy to untangle the situation, but also to get at this material benefit. L. not only trust astrology, but also saw its weaknesses, and his advice to young astrologers still not lost their significance.

L. owns a number of theoretical developments. In particular, he explored the question of the houses of the horoscope, to analyze such concepts as the exaltation of the planets in houses, houses, etc. significators. L. believed that the house horoscope symbolize quality events and life in general. Below is a table showing the color, significators and places of exaltation of the planets, attributed, according to the LA, each home (A. used Regiomontanus system of house).
Peru L. owns many books on astrology. The most famous among them is the "Christian Astrology", in which L. summarizes the achievements of their predecessors, evaluating them in light of their own experience. This book has not lost its importance and to this day. In 65 years, L. wrote the story of his life and dedicated it to "my most worthy friend, Elias Eshmoulu.
In the last years of life L. become licensed physician and moved to practice in Hersch in Surrey. He died from paralysis in 1681, Mr..

Selected works:
Christian Astrology Modestly Treated in Three Books. - London: Regulus, 1985 [Facsimile reprint of the 1647 edition with comm. by Patrick Curry and Geoffrey Cornelius].
Merlinus Anglicus Junior. - London, 1644.
Anima Astrologiae, or a Guide for Astrologers. - Washington, DC: National Astrology Library, 1956 [Reprint of the 1676 edition with notes and a preface by Wm.C.Eldon Sarjeant of the Theosophical Society]
An Introduction to Astrology. - London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., 1933.
Recommended Reading:
Lilly W. History of his Life and Times. - London, 1715.
Parker D. Familiar to All: William Lilly and Astrology in the Seventeenth Century. - London, 1975.
Star Trek astrology: Collection of original texts with commentaries IA Mikhailova, and N. Skorodumov. - M.: NT-Center, 1993.
1. deVore N. Encyclopedia of Astrology.
2. Naylor PIH. Astrology: an historical examination.
3. Lewis JR. The Astrology Encyclopedia.
4. Poggendorff JC. Biographischliterarisches Handwoerterbuch zur geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften ...
5. Saplin A. Astrological Collegiate Dictionary.
6. Astrological Dictionary.
7. Donas E.B. Systems astrological houses.

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William Lilly (Lilly), photo, biography
William Lilly (Lilly), photo, biography William Lilly (Lilly)  English astrologer, and to this day is considered the greatest representative of horary astrology among all known astrologers., photo, biography
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