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( Ancient Greek writer.)

Comments for Lucian
Biography Lucian
(Loukianos; ca. 125, Samosata, Syria - 180-s., Egypt)
Syrian by origin. After moving to Greece, well studied Greek. я?пЇ. and became an itinerant conductor, reading their own works to the general public in various cities of the empire. At one time he lived in Athens and was a teacher of rhetoric, but in old age became lucrative post of judicial officials in Egypt, which was appointed by the Emperor.

Before we reached 84 works of L., in t.ch. oratory, comic dialogues, mock-tragic works, works in the epistolary genre, treatises. In his writings L. repeatedly drawn to the philosophical themes, Epicureans and Cynics sympathetic. He credited the work on astrology, which, inter alia, provides astrological interpretation of Greek myths. In this paper argues that what Orpheus taught the Greeks, was astrology, and the seven strings of his lyre symbolized the planet. Tiresias gave the Greeks the knowledge of what the star men, and what - women's nature and impact. Bellerophon took to the air not on a winged horse, but thanks to the scientific power of his mind. Daedalus instructed Icarus astrology, and the myth of Phaethon has also received a similar interpretation. Aeneas was not a real son of the goddess Venus, Minos was the son of Jupiter, Aesculapius was the son of Mars, and Autolycus - Mercury. This is just to indicate under what ruling planet they were born. The author of this composition is also drawn to the history of astrology. He believes that the Ethiopians were the first who did it, then they transfer the knowledge of astrology by the Egyptians, who developed the art. The Babylonians did not so long ago, studying astrology. Greeks have received the knowledge of the science of the stars of Orpheus never build towns or buildings and not married without using. The only method of divination, which was used by Pythia at Delphi - the sky, and the snake under the tripod stands among the constellations of the Dragon. Lycurgus taught the Spartans to observe the moon, and only the uncivilized inhabitants of Arcadia, does not know astrology.

In his treatise A. "On astrology" is given a calm and objective reasoning:

"Light that its orbit in the sky, but, regardless of their movement, they act on everything that happens on the ground. If a galloping horse, . If fluttering birds, . If people are fleeing forced to roll stones or straw to fly their movements, . how do you want, . that the rotational movement of the stars did not produce any effect? The slightest light gives us a feel, . and yet it burns not for us and to us he has no concern, . - Why do not you admit, . that before we can reach the warmth of the light? Astrology, . true, . can not do a good, . what is bad, it does not change the course of events, . but it provides a service to, . who practice, . opening to expect them in the future well-being, she gives them a foretaste of joy and at the same time gives them the strength to fight evil and misfortunes,
. Indeed, the affliction will not seize them by surprise, anticipation makes it less horrible and not so heavy. "
Selected works:
Selected atheistic works. - M., 1955.
Favorites. - M., 1962.
1. Losev A. Ancient Literature.
2. Thorndike L. A History of Magic and Experimental Science during the First Thirteen Centuries of Our Era. Vol. I.
3. Flamarion K. History of the sky.

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