ARKWRIGHT Richard (Arkwright Richard)( English businessman.)
Comments for ARKWRIGHT Richard (Arkwright Richard)
Biography ARKWRIGHT Richard (Arkwright Richard)
(1732-1792) Born December 23, 1732 in Preston (g. Lancashire). In 1767 engaged in inventive. In 1768 he moved to Nottingham. In 1769 received a patent on a ring spinning machine, which gave high-twist yarn for the base, which is much cheaper production of cotton and led to the modernization of textile industry. Together with Dzh.Smolli Arkwright built a small factory in Nottingham, and then teamed up with Dzh.Strattom and S. Nidom, the rich owners of hosiery factory. In 1771, partners decided to build a spinning mill with water motors on the River Derwent in Kromforde and by 1774 they employed over 600 people. In 1775 Arkwright obtained a patent on a method of combing roller, and after five years, partners are widely deployed production. After the break in 1781 of dealing with Stratton Arkwright opened independently spinning mills in Manchester, Matlock, Bath, and (jointly with D. Dale) in New Lanark, creating a textile industry in northern England. In 1786 Arkwright was appointed sheriff of the county of Derbyshire, and was elevated to the dignity of knighthood. Arkwright died in Kromforde (g. Derbyshire) 3 August 1792.