Born December 19, 1910 in Paris. Thirty-five years has been expelled from five countries and served in 13 prisons. His first novel, Our Lady of Flowers (Notre Dame des Fleurs, 1949), started in prison in 1944, in the next five years, wrote all his major works. In 1948, treatment of prominent writers, including
Jean-P.Sartra and J. Cocteau,
Genet was saved from a life sentence. In 1952 Sartre published a book of St.
Genet, Actor and Martyr, containing commended personality
Genet. Written poetic language, . in which the classical French style mixes with street jargon, . My
wife plays reflect his passion for topics, . characteristic of L. Pirandello, . - Acting in real life, . the double man, . conflict of illusion and reality,
. The irritation against the power turns into open rebellion in the play Balcony (Le Balcon, 1958). Effects Blacks (Les Ngres, 1958) ends with the ritual murder of a white woman. Racial conflicts are affected and in the shutters (Les Paravents, 1962), where my
wife responded to the national liberation war in Algeria. Among his other works - collections of poems and novels about Rosa Miracle (Le Miracle de la Rose, 1965), ritual burial (Pompes funbres, 1947), Diary of a thief (Journal du Voleur, 1968).