FRIEDRICH III (Friedrich III)( Deutsch King and the Duke of Austria)
Comments for FRIEDRICH III (Friedrich III)
Biography FRIEDRICH III (Friedrich III)
(ca. 1289-1330) Also known as Austrian Friedrich or Frederick the Handsome, son of King Albert I germanskogo. In 1306 became the Duke of Austria. After his father's death in 1308 Frederick unsuccessfully attempted to take his place, but instead he was elected Henry VII. When Henry died in 1314, three elected Elector Frederick, who was crowned in Bonn (not in Aachen). Four elector chose him to Louis IV, Duke of Bavaria, which led to war between them. It was quite long, and only in 1322 when Frederick suffered Mц?hldorf final defeat and was taken prisoner. Prior to 1325, Louis kept him imprisoned in the castle Trausnitz (Upper Palatinate), firing only after the King Louis Frederick acknowledged and pledged to persuade him to this recognition of his brother Leopold. Because he refused to do so, Friedrich returned voluntarily to the conclusion. But now Louis recognized in him co-ruler. However, after the beginning of 1326, Leopold died, the power Friedrich applies solely to Austria. Frederick died in the castle Gutenshteyn (Lower Austria), January 13, 1330.