Gorki Maxim Ivanovich( Belarusian writer, researcher, editor and publisher, teacher, lexicographer, essayist, cultural and social activist.)
Comments for Gorki Maxim Ivanovich
Biography Gorki Maxim Ivanovich
(6.II.1893, der. M. Bogatkovka Shamovskoy parish Mstislavl County Mogilev province - 10.II.1938, g.Vyazma Smolensk region) In October-November 1916. served in Gzhatsk. Since November, 1917. June 1918. worked as commandant of the housing department of the Smolensk Sovdep while an employee of the newspaper "Izvestia of the Smolensk Soviet of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies". Together with his brother G. Gorki (see) in 1918. published in Smolensk, Russian-Belarusian dictionary "and enrolled in the fall of Smolensk branch of the Moscow Archaeological Institute of the Faculty of Art History. Not completed in connection with his departure for Minsk. In 1923-26. taught at rabfak komvuza in Minsk, in 1926-28. - Associate Professor of Agricultural Academy in Gorki, in 1928-30 he. - The Institute of Belarusian Culture. In 1930. arrested and in 1931. convicted on trumped-up case "ISF" ( "Union of Liberation of Belarus"), exiled to 5 years in Vyatka (Kirov). In 1935-37 he. worked as a teacher in Kirov (sand) Western Region. November 4, 1937, Mr.. the second time arrested by the NKVD Smolensk region on a false tip-off. Shot in Vyazma Smolensk region. February 10, 1938, Mr.. 15 hours. At the monument to victims of Stalinist repression, . Installed in Vyazma, . inscription;: "Presumably at this point, . where buried hundreds of known and unknown people, . victims of repression, . is the dust of the famous Belarusian writer, . scholar and teacher Maxim Ivanovich Haretsky ", . Plaques: Gorki, Mogilev region. (1993), Minsk (1993),. 1993 UNESCO declared the year MI Goretsky. In Minsk, a monument to M. Goretsky.
Vol.: ц?ц?цўц° doing? at 4 tamah .- п?iпҐя?п?, 1984-86; Express Yourself. - п?iпҐя?п?, 1990; Gistoryya Belarusian Litaratura. - п?iпҐя?п?, 1992.
Lit.: Ilkevich NN. 1) Maxim Gorki / / Smolensk Region, 1993. -? 9-10; 2) were shot in Vyazma / / Smolensk Region, 1994. -? 1-2; 3) Academic Gabriel Gorki: The first clash with the GPU. On the history of the expulsion of native intellectuals abroad in 1922. - Smolensk, 1998.
User comments
Petya for Gorki Maxim Ivanovich |
I would like to see his picture and details about his family (children and brothers) |