SELVISKY Isidore (Isidorus Hispalensis)( Latin Christian writer and poet)
Comments for SELVISKY Isidore (Isidorus Hispalensis)
Biography SELVISKY Isidore (Isidorus Hispalensis)
Isidore of Seville (lat. Spanish); Isidorus Hispalensis, OK. 570-636 years. n. e., Latin Christian writer of the Roman noble Spanish family (Carthage Spanish). After the death of his brother Leander became bishop of Seville (ca. 600-636 gg.). Facilitated the organization of schools, libraries and scriptorium. The purpose of literary activity and. was general as well as an ascetic and theological education of clergy. I. written many historical, dramatic, scientific, theological works. But was not distinctive author. He read very much and took notes, so much of his work consists of extracts and quotations from various pagan and Christian sources. Many cited authors he knew only indirectly. The most important and best known product and. are Etymologies (Etymologiarum libri XX) in 20 books, also known as the Beginning (Origines), which should have been replaced by a spiritual person and a whole library in a concise way to present all the information that an educated person should know. I. Each section begins with a definition or description of the etymology of the concept (hence the name of the work). In the book. I-III, he provides details of the area of grammar, . rhetoric, . dialectic, . arithmetic, . Geometry, . Astronomy, . as well as music, . ie the so-called seven liberal arts (septem artes liberales), . in the remaining talks about medicine, . Right, . Philosophy, . stories, . Theology, . literature, . Theater, . entertainment, . as well as the various natural sciences, . covers issues of other areas of knowledge, . part in alphabetical order, . part thematically, .
This is a typical encyclopedia of theological and secular knowledge, for many centuries, especially during the Carolingian Renaissance, was for Europe a set of software knowledge. Known and smaller in volume I. didactic works, such as the nature of things (De natura rerum), a treatise on the celestial phenomena and on the ground, as well as differences (Differentiarum libri II) in 2 books, both secular and ecclesiastical dictionary of synonyms. Among the historical works and. mention should be able to write an essay, . excellent source for studying history is ready to 625 g., . preceded by a word of praise in honor of his native Spain, . On the origin of ready, . kingdom Suevi and the history of the Vandals (De origine Gothorum et regno Sueborum et Vandalorum), . It is interesting historical and literary work of the glorious muzhah (De viris illustribus), is for us the only source of biographical data of some writers, where I. following the works of Jerome and Gennadius, bearing the same name. Of the many other works of I., . particular theological, . should recall the work of a small book about the numbers in Scripture (Liber numenorum qui in sanctis scripturis occurunt), . where are the allegorical interpretation of certain numbers, . and special mention of the composition of the dogmatic and moral theology MAXIMS (Sententiarum libri III) in 3 books, . And is the author of 23 epigrams. Collected in the works and. wealth of ancient knowledge (pagan and Christian) from different areas of life when it took over through the Middle Ages. The main product and. Etymologies many centuries served - in accordance with the plan of the author - a general encyclopedia, the more valuable that I. never been uncritical compiler, only the thoughts of others.