Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich( Writer)
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Biography Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich
Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich (p. 1931), novelist. Born on 17 October in Lyubertsy, Moscow Region. During the war, was left an orphan (his mother died from tuberculosis, his father was at the front), was raised in an orphanage, went to trade school, worked with 12 years. At age 14, escaped from the orphanage (in those years before Moscow was more than 200 children's homes, "fought" each other), worked in Sernovodsk at the cannery. I read a lot, drawing in the books of hope. After the war, became involved in the initiative, and read verses from the scene, played in plays and was a success. I tried myself to write poems and read them from the stage, then invited them to the newspaper, and they were published, he was very inspired.
After serving in the army, entered the Literary Institute. Gorky. Engaged in a seminar L. Oshanin.
. In 1958 the magazine "Youth" published a series of short stories "wartime childhood.
. After graduating in 1959, institute, was disappointed in his poetic vocation and decided to work in prose, while engaged in the workshop of the poet L. Oshanin.
. Goes to the Bratsk hydroelectric station, the scale of construction and the immensity of Siberia, which made him such a huge impression that he was for many years to link their destiny and work with this region . Works in team of concrete workers in the pit of the future station, while acting as correspondent of the Literary Gazette for the construction of hydro. During these years, wrote the documentary novel "My Contemporaries" (1959), "The fires in the taiga" (1964), "Country Lepiya" (1960) novel "The Dove" (1967).
. Back in Moscow, Pristavkin leaves "Siberian" theme, later wrote essays on the construction of BAM.
. In the 1970 printed a story on the theme War soldier and a boy . In 1987 Pristavkin published his most significant work - the novel "slept Golden Cloud ...", which brought its author fame.
In 1989 came the story "Kukushata". A. Pristavkin lives and works in Moscow.