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Teimuraz I

( King of Kakheti)

Comments for Teimuraz I
Biography Teimuraz I
Teimuraz I (1606-1648) - the king of Kakheti. In 1606 Teimuraz I was crowned king in the Christian tradition. In 1612 Shah Abbas summoned Teimuraz I and II alleged Luarsaba hunt. But the kings did not come to him and decided to act together.

In 1613 Shah Abbas with a huge army marched on Georgia, and encamped in Ganja. He sent to Teimuraz ambassador demanded send hostages. Teimuraz was compelled den send to the Shah Ketevan with children (Levan and Alexander). But the Shah did not satisfy-create it and demanded that Teimuraz appeared to him personally. Teimuraz not complied with his orders. Then the Shah sent the hostages in Iran, and he invaded Kakheti. The decisive battle took place at the be sorry. Kakhetians commanded Teimuraz, but Iranians himself shah. Qyzylbashs surrounded the royal army, but the Georgians broke through the enemy ring. Teimuraz passed to Kartli and met with Luarsabom. It was clear that Kartli unable to provide decent resistance to the Shah, so the kings took refuge in Imereti. Within 50 days Qyzylbashs disorderly-attended as Georgia. Shah returned to Iran and in Kakheti, he had appointed governor of Isa Khan (uncle's son Teimuraz-George). Kakhetians could not long tolerate the domination qizilbash. In 1615 the uprising began, led by David Dzhandieri. Naho-dyaschiysya exiled king Teimuraz I immediately went back to Kakheti and assumed leadership of the uprising. Shah sent to Georgia, picked troops under the command of Ali Quli Khan. The battle between the Georgians and Iranians pro-emanated from Tsitsamuri. Teimuraz himself led his army to attack. 5 thousand Georgians samoot's commitment fought with the 15-strong army of the enemy and won a brilliant victory over him.

Raging Shah in 1616 again went to Kakheti. Shah Abbas has divided his army into several parts and surrounded on all sides of Kakheti. Teimuraz realized that resistance was useless, and again took refuge in Imereti. Nevertheless Kakhetians, of Management-frog David Dzhandieri, did not surrender without a fight or a fortress, not a single village and provided stubborn resistance to the enemy. Qyzylbashs destroyed churches and monasteries, cut down orchards and vineyards, ruined villages and hamlets.

In 1617, the Shah once again taken a devastating campaign against the Kakheti region, which killed 100 thousand Georgians. 200 thousand were deported to Iran and forcibly settled in the central provinces of Iran (mainly in Fereydan, Ispaan, Horasak, Mazandaran). In Fereydane to this day live the descendants of the expelled Georgians from Georgia. True, they omusulmanilis, but retained their native language, and know that their country - Georgia.

King Teimuraz I was looking for an ally in the fight against Iran. In 1618, Turkey once again resumed the war against the Persians (Iran) and Teimuraz on the side of the Ottomans. But the military action-type of the Ottomans proved to be-zus-peshnymi.Teymuraz consignor-fork in Ros-UIS embassy in the hope of the floor-ing aid, but the attempt was bezrezul-tatnoy.

Shah Abbas decided a final defeat of the Georgia-myt. For this, he first decided to break the Georgian people, morally and demanded treatment in the Muslim faith from the Queen Ketevan. Queen Ketevan enjoyed enormous influence and authority among the people. In the early years of the reign of Teimuraz fact, it rules the kingdom. Shah knew that if the queen will Islam, it will be a great victory for the Shah. But no threats from the Shah could not bring Ketevan renounce their faith. Queen brutally tortured and September 12, 1624 was executed on the orders of Shah. Georgian church tagging Queen Ketevan the saints.

In 1625 Shah Abbas sent to Georgia, a large army under the command of Karchiha Khan. George Saakadze The coverage-fork plan revolt. At dawn on March 25, 1625 Georgians from all sides surrounded by 30-thousand troops qizilbash standing on the field Martkopi. Georgians won a brilliant victory. Within a few days of Kartli and Kakheti were completely freed from the invaders. George Saakadze called to the throne of Kartli-Kakheti in exile Teimuraz I.

Defeat at Martkopi field led the Shah in a rage. Over the past forty years, Iran has not experienced such a time-zheniya. Was hastily assembled army under the command of the Shah's son-in-Isa Khan Korchibashi sent to Georgia. At the end of June 1625 Qyzylbashs invaded Kartli and settled for field Marabdinskom. On the morning of July 1, 1625 coarse-zina under the preview of ditelstvom Teima-times attacked the Iranians. Qyzylbashs were well prepared-mined, but nastupavschih Georgians to stop it was impossible. In the battle fought even bishops. Army Kyzyl-bashey confusion and fled. At this point in waking-lis up new squads Iran-ant, who had expected Isa Khan. This influenced the outcome of the struggle. Georgians suffered amazed-tion. 10 thousand Georgians fell on the battlefield. But the Iranians costly this victory: at Marabdinskom field had been destroyed 14 thousand qizilbash.

Shah Abbas-nyal that force him not to reach tse-li, and entered into negotiations with the king Teimuraz. Shah award-ing him king of Kartli and Ka-Wakhare Khety, but instead had to admit Teimuraz vassal of Iran. Between king Teimuraz and Georgy-Guillaume Saakadze disagreement. Teimuraz in 1626 at the Battle of Lake Bazaletskogo defeated Georgiyyu Saakadze.

In 1632 Teimuraz marched in Ganja-Karabakh. In this campaign he supported Daud Khan Undiladze. And it meant the beginning of the war against the Iranian Shah. It is expected that the military operation undertaken Teymuraz and Daoud Khan was part of a larger plan. Under this plan, the Shah's throne were to put the younger son of Abbas, foster-shegosya have Imamkuli Khan Undiladze.

. After the failure of this plan of Shah Safi I ruler of Kartli Rostom instead Teimuraz appointed as governor of Kakheti appointed Iranian official Selim Khan
. Teimuraz been banished from Kakheti Selim Khan.

In 1639 Teimuraz updated treaty with Russia - "Krestotselovalnuyu record" and sent ambassadors to Russia, but the help he had not received.

In 1648, the growth invaded Kakheti. In the Battle of Magar Kakhetians defeated, killed the son of David Teimuraz. Defeated Teimuraz was forced to leave ukritsya in Kakheti and Imereti.

In 1653, he sent to Moscow, his only surviving heir - the grandson of Heraclius.

In 1658 Teimuraz and himself went to Moscow. After futile attempts to get help from Russia, the king returned in Imereti, took monastic vows as a monk. During the campaign Vakhtang V of Imereti, Teimuraz was captured and sent to Iran. The king refused to accept Islam, for which he was imprisoned in Astrabadskuyu credit-post. King Teimuraz died at age 74 in 1663. Georgians have brought the ashes of the king of Georgia and buried it in Alaverdi monastery.

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