Louis VI Thick( The King of France)
Comments for Louis VI Thick
Biography Louis VI Thick
Louis VI Tolstoy (1081 - 1.8.1137), King of France (pr. 1108 - 1137), married the first time since 1104 at Lucy de Montleri, the second time since 3/8/1115, at Adelaide, the daughter of Gamberta II, Count of Savoy. Stepmother Louis, Bertrada Marquess of Montferrat, wanted to erect the throne of his son (Philippe de Mantes). Louis had with arms to defend their right to the throne. Defeated at Brenville, he succeeded in further increasing the French domain (Ile - de - France). For nearly 20 years, Louis was waging war with the English King Henry I, but was forced to give him some territory on the Seine and to recognize its authority over Brittany. The only outstanding success in the foreign policy of Louis was his alliance with William X, Duke of Aquitaine, his daughter and heiress Alienora married the son of Louis. Under Louis, his former school friend of Abbot Suger (? - 1152) was the abbot of Saint-Denis and the chief adviser