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Bandurin Nicholas

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Comments for Bandurin Nicholas
Biography Bandurin Nicholas
Born September 11, 1962 in g. Leningrad.
In 1986, after the end of the speech department muses. School of. Rimsky-Korsakov at Leningrad State. Conservatory, along with Michael Vashukova, get a job in the Novgorod Philharmonic, where he worked for three months. In the same year, artistic council 'Lenkontserta' Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk were recruited into this organization.
. In 1988, as part of the best artists of the Leningrad pop, participated in the All-Union Competition 'Politsatiry and journalism' in Moscow, where they became winners.
. In 1989
. on '2-th All-Union Competition of pop artists' Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk also become winners.
Then there were such popular TV shows like 'full house, Anshlag!', 'Smehopanorama', 'Wider range', etc.. In 1991. Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk filmed in the movie A. Gaidai 'On Deribasovskoy good weather ...' and moved to live and work in Moscow.
During active in the campaign "Vote or Lose 'received certificates of appreciation from the President of Russia BN. Yeltsin.
With the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov and I.D. Kobzon been in hot spots of the country (r. Terrible, Kaspiisk, Sevastopol, etc.), for which the Government of Moscow have been awarded gold watch.
. Working in 'Moskontsert' a lot of new couplet numbers, . participated in such television, . as '50h50 ', . 'Relish', . 'Happy event', . "Russian lotto", . 'The wheel of history', . 'Bluff Club', . 'Kyshkin house', . "Enjoy Your Bath!", . 'Distorting mirror', etc.,
. In 1995
. Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk released his first audio album 'Vitamin HA !!!', and at the end of 1996. appeared and a CD with the same title.
January 26, 1997, Mr.. Moscow Variety Theater premiere of a solo program of 'Vitamin HA! ". Two years maintained an ongoing, weekly, category 'Toys-couplets' of 31 channel television in Moscow.
In July 1998, Mr.. Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk been leading a popular international festival "Slavic Bazaar", . were permanent co-host of television RTR 'Purple haze', . participated in the shooting of a New Year's lights on RTR, . released their tape and t,
. d. In 2001. Nicholas Bandurin and Michael Vashuk received the title "Honored Artist of Russia '. Article about them into the big Rossiiskaya entsiklopediya, published in 2000, 'Estrada Russia Twentieth Century', editor E.D. Uvarov, as well as in 2000 the number of idols Russia of 2000 (the magazine Artyom Borovik 'Persons').
Since February 2005. and are currently the leading television on RTR 'permitted to laugh. "
Entire year 2006 and half of 2007. Nicholas Bandurin worked with Sergei Ivanov, and in July 2006. them, together with Oleg Mitiaeva, handed the silver of the Order "For service to art 'second degree.
. In 2006, they did not miss a single festival of humor: 'ц?ц?цўц°ц? 2006', 'Jurmala 2006' and 'YES 2006'.
. In July, Nicholas Bandurin released his first audio album in my life NOT for the humor, but for the soul 'and it has been advocated as the author-artist
. Almost all the songs from this disc Nicholas Bandurin recorded on the channel "Capital",
in the transfer of "deja vu Tavern". Journalists at the festival in Yalta, called it a promising novice bard.
Currently Nicholas Bandurin chose a solo career. Harmonica forever remain in his hands and he still will please viewers unusual, funny, satirical verses and ditties, as well as monologues, songs and poems of his own composition. The audience likes to Nikolay Bandurin, he is often invited to lead on important events and corporate parties, as well-known and beloved artist. For each event, he is preparing a special approach, composing couplets and limericks to order. His work is ridiculous and at the same time deeper and more serious than before.

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