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Jared Leto

( American actor and rock musician)

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Biography Jared Leto
Childhood and adolescence

Born December 26, 1971 in Bossiц?re City, Louisiana. His thirst for the art of Jared owes his mother, Constance, who did everything to encourage summer and his brother Shannon. Summer grew proactive and confident child. In 12 years he received his first job washers of dishes in a small diner in Virginia, and in 16 years, moonlighting as a doorman. In the early years of his life Leto traveled extensively with his family, living in places like Haiti and in the commune in Colorado. 'Father of my mother was in the Air Force', - explains the summer - "so the nomadic way of life was like the rules'. By the time of graduation Jared filed their papers at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and was adopted. He specialized in studying the fine arts, in particular, painting. Later, Jared took the papers and transferred to the University of Fine Arts in New York. As a student, Summer wrote the screenplay and played a major role in his own film 'Crying Joy'.

Early career

He moved to Los Angeles from New York in 1992 to become an actor. Summer has already accumulated some experience in acting career, but really bright and memorable was the role of Jordan Catalano in a short series 'My so-called Life' (where he played alongside Claire Danes). Embodying the object of desire and love melancholy heroine Claire Danes, Jared Leto enjoying growing popularity, enabling him to make a name for himself, which then (as always happens in Hollywood) has become a brand for directors. In 1996 and 1997 Summer was a list of '50 most beautiful people in the world 'People Magazine. When the series was canceled, he began acting in films.

. Celebrity

. After filming with Alicia Silverstone in the 1994 independent film "Steep and Nuts' (The cool & the crazy), the first role on the big screen was in the movie 'patchwork quilt' (1995) with Winona Ryder
. More work in the films Summer Fling (1996), in which he played a major role to Christina Ricci, and then in SwitchBack (1997) where he played with Danny Glover and Dennis Quaid. In the same year, Summer plays the role was originally intended for Tom Cruise in the film 'Prefonteyn' (Prefontaine), life story of legendary runner Steve Prefonteyna. Year 1998 was a success for Jared, who appeared in Terrence Malick film "The Thin Red Line 'as part of a powerful cast member, including Nick Nolte, George Clooney and Sean Penn. In addition, he played a major role in the 'urban legends' (Urban Legend), one of the most successful adaptations of the genre of horror. However, Summer has found a stumbling block in the drama 'Basil' (Basil), partners in the film are Christian Sleyter and Claire Forlani. This oversight did not seem to greatly hurt the actor, whose name has figured in many high-profile projects

. Present
. Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly, a frame from the movie 'Requiem for a Dream'

. Jared returned to the big screen in 1999 with the works in 'Fight Club' and 'Girl, Interrupted'
. 2000 to Jared was a year of psychological thrillers - 'American Psycho' and 'Requiem for a Dream'. While the first film, Summer was approved by the actress, then in 'Requiem:' he got the main role. Playing a young Brooklyn boy, struggling with addiction to heroin, Summer had the opportunity to play in one of the legendary Ellen Burstyn as well as the future Prize laureate Oscar Jennifer Connelly. Jared was just to place in the two most famous films directed by David Fincher: The sensational 'Fight Club' and 'Panic Room' (2002), where he played the most verbose and bumbling of the three robbers terrorizing Jodie Foster. His recent projects include Oliver Stone's epic 'Alexander', an international thriller 'Lord of War' and the film 'Chapter 27', telling about the murderer of John Lennon - Mark Chapman.

. Jared Leto is also the vocalist of alternative rock band 30 seconds to Mars, founded by him and his brother Shannon in 1998
. At this point in the group 3 members. In addition to Jared, who is also a songwriter and music and plays the guitar, and Shannon, who is the drummer, the lineup includes Tomo Milicevic (guitar). Their first album was recorded in 2002 and named after the group. Second album, A Beautiful Lie, was released in 2005. At this time the band recorded a new, third, album.

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Jared Leto, photo, biography
Jared Leto, photo, biography Jared Leto  American actor and rock musician, photo, biography
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