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Tatiana Samoilova

( Actress)

Comments for Tatiana Samoilova
Biography Tatiana Samoilova
(p. May 4, 1934)
Once a student of the Shchukin School Tatiana Samoilova conquered the world. She was standing room applauded at the Cannes Film Festival in 1958. The film "The Cranes Are Flying" won the Palme d'Or ", Samoilova received an award for Best Actress, and more than thirty years later, in the same Palace cinema, she was awarded a prize as an artist who has made a tremendous contribution to world cinema. How strange, how happy and bitter fate of the actor ... What a cruel and indifferent art - the cinema ... Unprecedented success and long years of inactivity, standby role. Why so sluchilosN But life rarely gives answers, she loves to ask questions of the tragic ...
. - Tatiana, I do not dare ask how you live: But I know that you are writing a book.
. - Yes, and you're distracting me from work: I miss, miss work, sad, because I do not want to exist in film and theater for me to shut up all the keys
. That creative workshop, which was for me and my friends Studio Theater actor, destroyed. We were left without a laboratory. That's what terribly. And I dream of the Maly Theater, I dream to play on stage next to my father, my brother. But so far does not work.
- Several years ago, thought the play "The great love of Catherine the Great" and you rehearse it. What it konchilosN
- The stage was too small for me - I did not fit. Director looked at me and said: "Tanya, you can not play there - the scene for the youth.
- You recently appeared in the film "24 hours" from director Alexander Atanesyan. However, until now no one has seen.
- Naturally, the premiere has not yet been. Film is interesting, but the movie is senseless to talk. I play a small but nice role, the role of a mother who does not know that her children were involved in crimes, that they should be punished. Feature film is unusual for me - never played a detective.
- And the current pace of shooting, usually without rehearsing you do not smuschaliN
- "The Cranes Are Flying" also took off very quickly - in six months. Crew has received a larger bonus.
- Tatiana, you always said that it is very fond of her Veronica, but in one of your interviews I read that you do not like "The Cranes Are Flying".
- I love this movie, its heroine, its partners. "The Cranes Are Flying" has not taken the authorities, we were told that Veronica - a woman of easy virtue, of which there should be a heroine. But she did not the heroine, it is an ordinary girl. Simply, the war, while the ugly face of war. I am by nature a pacifist and often ask myself: why do all these voynyN Why ChechnyaN Why do we always voyuemN understand that the state needs a position of strength and power, but I can not understand why we fight. Not for bread, bread is. Bread in Russia a lot, the subsoil rich.

- Directed the movie "The Cranes Are Flying" Mikhail Konstantinovich Kalatozov allowed you to invent something svoeN

- Prevents. And then said: "We have made you famous, now you must serve". I went to Siberia to appear in his "Unsent Letter". A role, the image was not. Play was nothing. I so wanted to go to the theater to Okhlopkov, where I started well, won "Theater of Spring. Okhlopkov Kalatozov said: "Misha, why do you TanyaN Tanya - not VGIK, Tanya - Vakhtangov and zahavskaya (BV Zahava was in those years rector of the Theater School. BV Shchukin). It should be in the theater play ". What Kalatozov replied: "Tanya's appearance so that it still has to work in film.

- They say you asked the playwright Victor Sergeevich Rozov continued to invent stories VeronikiN
- Nothing I did not ask. I just asked him a question: if he wants to extend the life of Veronica ekraneN He replied that he did not think about it.
- It is true that Kalatozov hid you from Gregory Peck when he arrived at the "Mosfilm" N
- True. Said - stole.
- Mikhail Romm wanted to shoot you in the "Nine days a year:
- Yes, he tried me on the role of Lely, but said: "You unmodern. I would do to you "Anna Karenina". I always wanted to play the classics. Came to one director, who staged Turgenev, asked me to take: He replied: "No.". I wanted to play "Virin", "Viper", but other actresses ahead of me. And now there are no forces, no:

- And Hollywood producers offered you the role of Anna. Partner wanted to become Philip Gerard. Yet you played Anna in the film Alexander Zarkhi. Vronsky, played Vassily Lanovoy, who was your first husband. This fact did not stop at the set ploschadkeN

- No. Once we are madly in love with each other. But first love, love at first sight passes quickly. From her it was necessary to wake up, get up and work. We have a very short time were husband and wife. And do not be confused art and life.
- What you now brings joy, or at least udovolstvieN
- Books. I read a lot: Alexei Tolstoy, Karamzin, Tyutchev: I live. The life which I have. And anyway, why me Why pisatN again write about VeronikeN It certainly is very talented! Why ask whether I like the film or not nravitsyaN! And again, write some nonsense. Yellow! It's disgraceful! Come to me some journalists who have written on my behalf that I do not like Veronica. How can I not love the image, which itself had sozdalaN
Several years ago I was at a festival in Morocco. Brought "The Cranes Are Flying" and "Anna Karenina". Movies watched with great interest.
- What questions to ask you marokkantsyN
- No not asked. They just love me. Videotapes of my movies are sold throughout the world. It is nice, but a pity that "The Cranes Are Flying" look at the video, the picture created for the big screen.
- You receive any royalties from the sale kassetN
- Nothing is absolutely: You know, I so wanted to put the play in impressionistic style. The play of light and shadows. Recently I looked up the transfer of Meyerhold. Genius director ...

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  • nataly for Tatiana Samoilova
  • Tat'jana Evgen'evna, ja obozhaju Vas i tvorchestvo VASHEJ SEM'I!
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    Tatiana Samoilova, photo, biography Tatiana Samoilova  Actress, photo, biography
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