Sukach Igor (Garik)( musician, producer, actor.)
Comments for Sukach Igor (Garik)
Biography Sukach Igor (Garik)
Born in d. Myakinino Moscow region. He graduated from the Railway Technical School, Lipetskoe Cultprosvet College (1987, directed by theater). Head of the rock group "The brigade-C" (1985-1993). Since 1993 - head of the rock group "The Untouchables". . FILMOGRAPHY: . 1988 DEFENDER SEDOV . 1988 STEP . 1991 Lost in Siberia . Kestrel 1992 . 1993 Cockroach races . 1995 Arrival of a Train . 1995 The Fatal Eggs . 1996 OLD SONGS ABOUT MAIN . 1997 Midlife crisis director . 1998 OLD SONGS ABOUT Home 3 . 1999 SKY IN DIAMONDS . 2000 HOLIDAY director