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Riemer I. World

( Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, Professor of Economics of Industry of Samara Academy of Economics.)

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Biography Riemer I. World
Born February 7, 1925 in g. Balta, Odessa region. Father - Joseph L. (1894. born.). Mother - Frida Kopelevna (1896. born.). Wife - Ludmila (1941. born.). Son - Yuri Mirovich (1955 g. born.).

In 1942 he graduated from Podolskoye Artillery School until November 1943 he served in the armed forces commander of the platoon fire fighter in 1499 anti-tank artillery regiment. Has military awards, including the Order of the Patriotic War II degree and 11 medals, including the Medal of Military Merit ". In 1944 he entered the Leningrad Institute of the plan, and in 1947. - Postgraduate. For postgraduate and Ph.D. degree he worked as an engineer, team leader of the Leningrad branch of the Institute "Gidroenergoproekt" (1951-1953 gg.). In 1953 he moved to r. Samara, where he worked as planned Kuibyshev Institute (later the Economic Institute of Samara, Samara State Economic Academy) as an assistant, senior lecturer, then Associate Professor of Economics of Industry. In 1973, Mr.. became head of the Department of Industrial Economics, in 1984 - Professor of. Since 1990, Professor MI Riemer resigned as head of the department, leaving her professor. Doctor of Economic Sciences, . Professor, . Honored Scientist of Russia - MI Riemer, . - Devoted his many years of creative work the problem of improving the educational process for the preparation of highly skilled generalists Economics of Industry,
. Certain achievements have been achieved through the implementation of numerous academic studies on the orders of the enterprises and organizations. The research work of Professor MI Rimera associated mainly with the decision of the relevant complex problems more efficient use of fixed assets and investment in industry. The result of research and organizational research work was the creation of scientific school of the problems mentioned. Within this framework, developed the theory and method of determining the optimal equipment life, . developed by the depreciation rate for oil refineries and petrochemical, . resolved complex issues of assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of investment financing,
. They trained 10 candidates and 2 doctorate in economics. In 1996, the structure of the Samara State Economic Academy created and headed the educational-methodical and scientific and innovative economy Investments Center. Prominently in the work of Professor MI Rimera engaged in organizational and methodical work. As dean of the faculty, . Head of the Department, . participated in the development of new curricula and programs for special disciplines of economic profile and, . particularly, . to create a new specialty "Business enterprise and entrepreneurship." One of the important achievements of his view that, . that over many years of discussion in higher education system unsuccessfully defended the idea of a generalist economists for industrial enterprises and companies.,

. Professor MI Riemer has published several monographs
. The most important of his works are: "Performance management of fixed assets. Economic problems of governance in the industry ", Publishing. Saratov University, . 1981, "The management of fixed assets in the industry", . M.: Economics, . 1985, "Feasibility study for conversion of defense enterprises program", . Samara, . 1995, "Comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of investments, depending on the methods of its calculation", . on Sat,
. Scientific papers "Economic problems of oil and gas industry in the transition to a market economy", Ufa, 1995, "Feasibility study of the investment project", Samara, 1997. MI Rimer always wanted to live in harmony with nature, in the world of classical music. This predetermined and Hobbies: during his teenage years and years of study and work in Leningrad - trips and competitions on a yacht in the Black Sea and the Gulf of Finland, in time - on a boat on the Volga. In his mature years, we add to this cottage. They have brought enthusiasm and pleasant results: champion awards in sailing, in fact grown and acclimated seedlings of apricot, fruit-bearing in the gardens he and his friends. I. The World is a fan of the symphonic and sacred music of Beethoven, . Tchaikovsky, . Rachmaninoff and many other composers, . as well as the works of famous conductors and performers: Mravinsky, . Kondrashin, . Svetlanov, . Spivakov, . Oistrakh, . Gilels, . Rostropovich, . Malinin, . Rook and other,
. About their life aspirations, he said: "The time factor in my time became crucial in the implementation and limitation of life aspirations. Now it is important to include in the huge turnover of research material, . potential of my students and current colleagues in order, . to complete as soon as the preparation of complex training and teaching aids for the newly developed profiling course "Investments and investment companies (firms),
. This will give us the opportunity to make a significant step to improve the training of economists, the relevant international standards. Man's wisdom - is a generic and meaningful life experience (his and others). It is priceless. Although there is no prophet in his own country, but would like it to be in demand and, above all, grandchildren. And yet I can be with his wife can realize the dream of a distant youth, and make at least "polukrugosvetnoe" journey to the snow-white liner.

Lives and works in g. Samara.

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Riemer I. World, photo, biography
Riemer I. World, photo, biography Riemer I. World  Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science, Professor of Economics of Industry of Samara Academy of Economics., photo, biography
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