Annenkov, Nikolai Ivanovich( Russian botanist and farmer)
Comments for Annenkov, Nikolai Ivanovich
Biography Annenkov, Nikolai Ivanovich
(1819 - 89). Educated at Moscow State University Philosophy Department at; was a teacher of geography and botany in the medium schools; was inspector, . then director of the agricultural school of the Moscow Society of Agriculture, . then Director of the Uman School of Horticulture and Tsarina Gardens Sofievka, . Remarkable scholar of his work: "Flora mosquensis exsiccata" (Russia's first such work) - edition 800 dried specimens of plants, as phanerogams and cryptogams, came out in editions of 100 copies each. Published a series of articles in the "Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou" (1849 - 1,851) - the results of observations of wild and garden plants on the proposal of the Belgian scientist Quetelet, then published as a brochure: "Observations sur la floraison de quelques plantes cultivees, . faites a Moscou pendant les annees 1844, . 45, . 46, . 47, . 48 "and" Observations sur les plantes indigenes des environs de Moscou, . faites pendant les annees 1844, . 45, . 46, . 47, . 48 et 49 ", . All of these observations, made over 400 plants, reprinted abroad, and brought a. great and honorable fame. It has long noticed difficulty encountered in reading botanical works, which describe the plant, or one called Russian names, or one in Latin, was eliminated by A. Publication of collection of vulgar names Russian plant under the name: "vulgar names Russian plant" (Moscow, 1858). Soon after this work developed into a more serious collection of local names as the Russian, . and many foreign plants, . languages Russian, . French, . German, . Latin and the various tribes, . living in Russia - a great benefit when reading the works of botanical, . published in 1859 titled "Botanical Dictionary" (M., . 1859).,