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Bennie Arthur I.

( journalist and socialist agitator)

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Biography Bennie Arthur I.
Born in 1840, Mr.. in the Polish kingdom, in TomaszцЁw Rawska, where his father, Johann Benny, a Jew by birth, scholar Hebraist was evangelical pastor. After graduating from the course petrokovskoy school, Benny, who had relatives in England (his mother was an Englishwoman), received in London on a special technical education, naturalized, and entered the vulvichsky arsenal. Since childhood, Benny, . grew up in a cosmopolitan family, . good command of language Polish, . English and Russian; idealistic upbringing instilled in him, . the nature of an impressionable and moral sensitivities, . predisposition to accept socialist ideas, . and a boy, . despite the open dislike of Russia the society around him, . he, . under the influence of familiarity with a few simple chance he met the Russian people, . carried away by Russian folk institutions of collective responsibility, . community and Artel, . value which then exaggerated and minds are more mature and strong,
. Benny interested in Russia and loved the Russian people, which wanted to see the nearest executor of the socialist ideals. Russian sympathies led him to get closer to Ogarev, Bakunin, Herzen, and in 1861,. Benny went to Russia, which brought a fresh transport "Bells" and a burning desire to serve the cause of liberation of Russian. From the very beginning, Benny began to collect signatures on Russia drawn up by itself address the emperor to grant a constitution. This enterprise was hopeless, and Benny had thus faced with a variety of alien and unsympathetic to him in spirit figures and insulted his stern moral rigor phenomena. He quickly became disillusioned, not only in their ability agitators, but also in the hopes of the achievements of socialism in Russia. He, however, had to appear in the "thirty two", which the Senate tried for the illegal secret relations with London, for not informing the government about the arrival in St. Petersburg on a false passport famous VI. Kelsiev Benny, could be sentenced (1864) to three months' imprisonment and, as a foreigner, to life in exile from Russia. Despite this outcome of the case, . despite, . what, . are on trial and awaiting sentence, . Benny, . foreign nationality free of administrative, . court influence, . requested (unsuccessfully) to adopt his Russian citizenship, . placing it in the same disadvantage, . in what were his Russian comrades, Benny reputed, . however, . spy,
. This caused him unbearable mental suffering, his rehabilitation, which took care Leskov ( "Shadow Man") and Turgenev, Benny did not wait. Expelled from Russia, he settled in Switzerland and took up journalism, as a correspondent for British newspapers, he accompanied the troops, and Garibaldi, wounded in the battle of Menton, died Dec. 27, 1867, Mr.. Benny took part in the "Russian Speech" Eug. Tour, "The Age", "Library for Reading", "Russian Invalid", led by then Colonel Pisarevskii was a liberal, "Northern Bee", "Book Gazette; translated novel Bulwer's" Last Days of Pompeii ". Leskov brought him under the name of Rainer, the novel "Nowhere". - Wed. SA. Vengerov, "critical-biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists", III, 1 - 5; Sources dictionary of Russian writers ", I, 212 - 213; M. Lemke, "Process 32" - in "Sketches of the liberation movement 60-ies" (St. Petersburg, 1908). N. L.

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Bennie Arthur I., photo, biography
Bennie Arthur I., photo, biography Bennie Arthur I.  journalist and socialist agitator, photo, biography
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