Birilov Nikolai( sailor party defense of Sevastopol 1854 - 55 g)
Comments for Birilov Nikolai
Biography Birilov Nikolai
Zaveduya, . the rank of lieutenant, . outposts against the bastion N 3, . Birilov made a number of attacks, . destroying the enemy's bulwarks, . seizing weapons and ruining the gun, especially remarkable foray Birileva led 750 hunters March 11, 1855, . when Birilevu managed to capture the battery right parallels, . torn to the base of a battery of 10 guns, . eight rivet guns, . During the last sortie on May 5 Birilov was wounded in the head with shot. In 1859 - 63 years Birilov, commanding a corvette Posadnik ", made circumnavigation, visiting the coast of China and Japan.