Alexei V. Boldyrev( Orientalist)
Comments for Alexei V. Boldyrev
Biography Alexei V. Boldyrev
(1780 - 1842). He graduated from the course at Moscow University. In 1806, Mr.. approved by the Master of Philosophy and Science of Free. The following year was sent abroad to study Oriental languages, on his return from there (1811) was appointed assistant professor in the department of Oriental Languages at Moscow University and later was a professor and from 1832 to 1837. was rector of the same university. Of the works of his most famous: "Duae Moallakat Antrarae et Harethi" (GцІttingen, . 1808) - Two Arab poems, . remarkable for its aesthetic qualities, "The Arab reader" (M., . 1824); "New Arab reader" (ib., . 1832), . Adventures of a slave "(the Arabic novel, . M., . 1824), "Short Arabic grammar" (M., . 2 ed., . 1836), . "Persian reader" (M., . 2 ed., . 1833), . Because the individual articles Boldyrev once drew the attention of his "Discourse on the means to correct errors in the verb" placed in "Proceedings of the Society of Russia Literature" (1812, h. 2 and 3).