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Semyon Vengerov Afanasievich

( critic and literary historian)

Comments for Semyon Vengerov Afanasievich
Biography Semyon Vengerov Afanasievich
Born in 1855, Mr.. in Lubny. Mother - German writer (Pauline Wengeroff, "Memoiren einer Grossmutter", 2 vols., B., 1908 - 1910). For two years he studied at the Medico-Surgical Academy and later received a Ph.D. candidate and Human History and Philology. Since 1897. read in St. Petersburg. University as a privat-docent, lectures on the history of Russian literature in 1899. certified by the Minister of Education Bogolepova. Resumed reading in 1906. In 1909, Mr.. Kharkov University awarded the degree of Doctor of Russian Literature. Since 1910. is a professor of St. Petersburg. higher rates of female and neuropsychiatric institute. In 1875, Mr.. published the book "Russian literature in its modern representatives. IS. Turgenev, in 1876, Mr.. Grand literary feuilleton in the "New Times" (under the pseudonym Faust Schigrovskogo County) in 1877 - 80 years wrote critical articles in the "Week" and "Russian world". Since 1880. actively collaborated in the "Word", where he began a series of extensive articles on the "People's movements Slavic tribe". Their continued - "On Huss, the Hussites and Taborites" - published in Russian Thought "and" Herald of Europe "1881 - 1882 period. In 1882, Mr.. Vengerov editor of monthly magazine "common sense", in 1884. issued a critical-biographical sketch "п?.пє. Pisemsky; from 1886. is "critical-biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists" (released 6 volumes), which belong to Vengerov's own article, and large studies of critical and literary-historical nature. Printed in 1885, Mr. Vengerov. "The history of modern Russian literature was destroyed by the censor, and from it saw the light only the head of the Young Editorial Moskvityanin" (Vestnik Evropy, 1886, N 2). Further works Vengerov: historical and literary collection "Russian poetry" (t. I - XVIII century, . Petersburg., . 1897; Start II v., . Petersburg., . 1901), "Russian books" (3 v., . Petersburg., . 1896 - 98); monograph "Great Heart" (on Belinsky) in the "Russian God." 1898, "The main features of the history of modern Russian literature" (St. Petersburg, . 1897, . introductory lecture; German translation, . B., . 1899; 2 nd Edition, . the profit,
. Etude "winners or losers" [of modernity] - St. Petersburg., . 1909, . translated into Czech and Bulgarian languages), "Source of the Dictionary of Russian Writers (2 volumes came, . Petersburg., . 1900 - 1910, . edition of the Academy of Sciences), "Belinsky" (St. Petersburg, . 1905), "writer-citizen" (of Gogol) in Rus,
. God. "1902," Essays on the History of Russian Literature "(St. Petersburg, 1907, 2 nd ed., A collection of articles)," What is the charm of Russian Literature of XIX century "(St. Petersburg, 1912, speech). Since 1891, Mr.. editor of the literary department of 82-volume Brockhaus-Efron, which published a series of articles about Russian writers, from 1910. editor of the literary department of this dictionary. In 1901, Mr.. founded published under his editorship by Brockhaus-Efron "Library of the great writers", . lavishly illustrated, . introductory articles and notes; came complete collected works of Schiller (4 t., . Petersburg., . 1901 - 1902), . Shakespeare (5 v., . Petersburg., . 1903 - 1904), . Byron (3 tons, . Petersburg., . 1904 - 1905), . Pushkin (St Petersburg, . 1906 - 1911; of 6 volumes went 5), . Moliere (I t., . Petersburg., . 1912),
. Since 1900. edited by Vengerov's release of the first complete works of Belinsky (there Volumes 1 - 9), equipped with extensive historical and literary notes and individual sketches Editor. In 1903, Mr.. edited Vengerov came annex to the "Bulletin of Self-Education" Brockhaus-Efron - "Main figures liberation of the peasants'. In 1905 - 7 years Vengerov edited the Library Luminaries "(a collection of individual essays and pamphlets Arseniev, Kareeva, Kotlyarevskogo Vengerov, Vetrinskogo, Milton, Renan, Stirner, Kravchinski, smt, Belinsky and others). In 1910,. edited Vengerov out "Anniversary Collection" Literary Fund, a member of the committee which consists of 1897. Since 1908. Vengerov organized in St. Petersburg. university for students of Teachers of Pushkin Seminaries, dealing, among other things, compiling a dictionary of poetic language of Pushkin. Send (St. Petersburg, 1911) 2 issues the works of the seminar ( "Program of compiling the dictionary of poetic language of Pushkin and study A. Boehm: "On the influence of Chateaubriand on Pushkin). Since 1911. book publishing Prometheus publishes collected works Vengerov (released 4 volumes). In the first volume ( "The heroic character of Russian literature"), the author gives a general formula of his understanding of the history of Russian literature: "Do not confined to a narrow circle of aesthetic interest, . Russian literature has always been the Chair, . which was heard the word didactic,
. And it is not only not be sacrificed as a direct literary excellence, but on the contrary, reported Russian artistic expression especially strong. New Russian literature represents vysokogarmonichnoe combination of artistic beauty and moral strength, a broad scope and longing for the ideal. And called always instructive word of Russian literature to exploit the public and to sacrifice. Russian literature rejects the world, as long as it is based on injustice, and in any form will not accept being philistine. This is the source of its charm, this legitimate pride of the Russian spirit. "

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