Werner Konstantin Antonovich( Statistician-agronomist)
Comments for Werner Konstantin Antonovich
Biography Werner Konstantin Antonovich
(1850 - 1902). He was a volunteer at the Kiev University Department of Mathematics, then enrolled in the Agricultural Academy of Peter, but in 1876, for filing a collective of student protest, was with the VN. Grigoriev and VG. Korolenko exiled to Vyatka Province. In 1877 - 78 he served in the army in the Caucasus, where he was wounded. From 1880 to 1884. was Assistant VI. Orlova for statistical work. From 1884 to 1889. charge of the statistical department of the Tauride Province Zemstvo, from 1890 to 1893. was an agronomist Steppe general governor, then served for the specific department and the department of rural economy and agricultural statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1895, Mr.. received the Department of Agricultural economy in the Moscow Agricultural Institute. The first printed statistical work of Werner: "Essay on the economy of private landowners in the county Borisoglebsky" - the result of travel in 1880, with VI. Orlov, in Tambov province ( "Collection of statistical information on the Tambov province, t. I). For Moscow zemstvo Werner was in 1882, Mr.. interesting essay suburban farm, described the starch-molasses fishing Moscow Province, meat and grain market in Moscow, and in 1883. published a major work on private-sector in 6 districts of the Moscow province ( "Collection of statistical information on the Moscow province, t. V, Issue 2 nd), long served as a model for Zemstvo statistics of the private sector. In 1890, Mr.. Werner processed information about the artisanal Bogorodsky County (Zemsky Yearbook, 1890). In Tauride province Werner performed a study of peasant economy across the province. In collaboration with SA. Harizomenovym Werner wrote the text for Melitopol county (1887), then edited the compilation "'s Notebook" (1889). In 1888. released a compilation of current statistics, the use of expeditionary method. When he was a professor Werner twice printed course of lectures ( "Agricultural Economy, 2 nd edition, Moscow, 1901). A number of articles by Werner on the history of agriculture is printed in "The Master", "Bulletin of Agriculture," Proceedings of the 1 st Congress of local. Agron. "(1901) and partly after the death of the author, in" Agriculture and forestry "and" Izvestia of the Moscow Agricultural Institute ". In the "Bulletin of the European Werner published an article:" Crop failures and our agriculture "(1893), which showed that Russia exports abroad is not an excess of its bread, and parts necessary for their own consumption. Werner has worked in 82-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary" Brockhaus-Efron on the department of geography and in Full encyclopedia Russian agriculture "(publication Devriena).