Vladimir-Epiphanius Glebovich( Prince Pereyaslavl South, son of Gleb Yurevich)
Comments for Vladimir-Epiphanius Glebovich
Biography Vladimir-Epiphanius Glebovich
Born in 1157, Mr.. In 1169, Mr.. he received from his father, . voknyazhivshegosya in Kiev, . Pereslavl, . but always acted under the other hand, . more independent princes helped his uncles, . Andrew Bogoliubsky and Vsevolod against Rostislav; double-walked to Polovtsy and broke Polovtsian Khan Konchak near Khorolya, . In 1185, when, Igor, after the defeat of Russian Polovtsy River Kayala, was in captivity, Vladimir was besieged in Pereslavl same Konchak and struggled with him, and after the battle, all wounded, was brought into the city Pereyaslavets. Polovtsi not cleared by Vladimir parish, and he was twice sent to the Grand Prince Svyatoslav, Rurik and David Rostislavich for help, but they were late and so provided an opportunity to take Mr. Polovtsy. Ream. In 1187, Mr.. Polovets again approached Pereiaslav area; against them came to the Dnieper ford Tatintsu Grand Prince Svyatoslav and Rurik Rostislavich, there also came with his warriors Vladimir and honor to go in front of the troops, but the ache in the way he died. "Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles", I, 151, 153, 162, 166 - 8, 171; II, 100, 103, 109, 122, 124, 126 - 9, 132 - 134, 311, 317, 319, 320; IV , 16; V, 168; VII, 84 - 5, 94, 97 - 9, 101. A. E.