Sandwich Alexander( Spiritual Writer)
Comments for Sandwich Alexander
Biography Sandwich Alexander
(1839 - 1901). The son of a priest of the Moscow diocese, Master of the Moscow Theological Academy, toast in the Kazan Academy taught moral theology. Major works Grenkova: "The definitions of the Moscow Cathedral 1666 - 67 years" ( "The Orthodox Interlocutor, . 1863, . II, . III); "Determination of Moscow's Cathedral in 1675" (ib., . 1864, . I) - excerpts from his writings about the Master's cathedrals, their continued - "Cathedrals of the Russian Church, . former on the correct Church liturgical books "(ib., . 1871, . III); "The doctrine of reason of the principles of morality before the court of Christian moralizing" (ib., . 1865, . I); "Initial origin of the science of Christian morality and a summary of its history" (ib., . 1876, . I); "The Church and School, . Historical Overview of Western European ideas on the issue of secularism "(ib., 1875, III);" The main directions of German theology in the XIX. Tech. I. From Schleiermacher to Strauss' "(Kazan, 1882)," The Independent Moral. On the characterization of the current state of sermons in France "(" The Orthodox Interlocutor, 1885, II); "ideas and facts from the standpoint of pedagogy bogoslovstvuyuschego teacher" (ib., 1888, I, II). - See. N. Ivanovski, "Professor AI. Grenkov "(" The Orthodox Interlocutor, 1901. II, 728 - 733).