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Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander

( Archpriest, modern theologian and preacher)

Comments for Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander
Biography Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander
The son of a priest (b. 1835) graduated from the course at the Moscow Theological Academy, from 1872. Professor of Moscow University in the department of church history, from 1877. ThD. Scientific and literary activity began as a student (in Russian Conversation "). Its main compositions: "Essay on the history of Christianity among the Slavs" (the first time an academic essay on this subject in our literature, . 1869), "The history of separation of church from the East West" (1868); "secular power of the pope" (1868), "Religious movements in the East, IV and V centuries" (a profound study of heresies and councils IV and V centuries, . about the works on the same subject, . Professor A.P,
. Lebedev, . remarkable for self-assessment of the views of the Western church historians on the history of the ecumenical councils; 1880 and 1881); "heresies and schisms of the first three centuries of Christianity" (doctoral dissertation, . attracted attention of Western church-historical literature, 1876 - 77); "Dissension chetyredesyatnikov" (1877), "The Christian doctrine of love for humanity in comparison with the extremes of socialist doctrines" (1870), "What Is Life" (1872); " Sv,
. Cyril and Methodius "(1871)," The first lectures on church history at Moscow University "(1872)," Religion and Science "(an extensive monograph on the book under the same title B. Chicherina, 1879), "the patriarch of Constantinople Photius (a critical review of all literature on Fotii, as well as all editions of his works, 1891). In addition, they issued a letter A.S. Khomyakova to Palmer and a number of spiritual and journalistic discourses on contemporary religious issues, as well as critical articles about new products help of an erudite theological literature, foreign and Russian. In starokatolicheskom journal "Internationale theologische Zeitschrift" for 1894. published its new study on the Patriarch of Constantinople Fotii. All other above-mentioned works were printed in the magazine "Orthodox Observer". Special book came out of his sermon: "Over twenty years of priesthood" (2 nd ed., 1884). Died in 1894. His works after 1891: "The research on Fotii, Patriarch of Constantinople, at the Millennium accomplished since the death of his (St. Petersburg, 1892);" For the third decade of the priesthood (1883 - 1893 years). Words, . speech and some articles (Sergiev Posad, . 1894), "The true concept of honor and false ideas about it" (M., . 1894), "On the western religions" (3rd ed., . M., . 1894), "On our moral relationships and responsibilities to the family, . School, . society "(M., . 1894),
. The literature on IA-Platonov: Prince C. Trubetskoy "A Scientific activities. M. MI-Platonov "(" Problems of Philosophy and Psychology ", Volume XXVII); M. Korelin "Attitude A. M. MI-Platonov to historical science "(ib.); archpriest Smirnov-Platonov" In memory of Archpriest A. M. MI-Platonov "(ib., t. XXVII); Yves. Korsunskij "Archpriest A. M. MI-Platonov "(" Theological Journal, 1894, and December and separately); A.P. Lebedev, "Professor п?.п?. Ivantsov, . I am a priest Dobronravov, . defender of the first "(M., . 1899); his "History of the ecumenical councils IV and V centuries, critical comments about the works of archpriest Ivancova" Religious movements in the East "(M., . 1882); his "History of the separation of churches" (M., . 1900); his "church historiography in its main representative with the IV century to XX" (St. Petersburg, . 1903),
. N. B.

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Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander, photo, biography
Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander, photo, biography Ivantsov-Platonov Alexander  Archpriest, modern theologian and preacher, photo, biography
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