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Crimean Agafangel Yefimovich

( Writer)

Comments for Crimean Agafangel Yefimovich
Biography Crimean Agafangel Yefimovich
Born in 1871. Secondary education completed in Kiev "Pavel Galagan College, where the Little-Russian imbued with the ideals and, under the influence of PI. Zhitetskogo, decided to devote himself to scientific study of the past of their country, in particular - the history of its language. After attending special classes Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, was admitted to the historical-philological faculty of Moscow University. In 1896, Mr.. Crimea was sent to Syria, where he worked two years in the Arab manuscript treasures, studied in vivo in Arabic and Arabic dialects, and became a member of the Arab scientific journals. Contains a professor of Arabic literature and history of the East in the Lazarev Institute and at the highest rates of female VA. Poltoratskoi, as well as Secretary of the Eastern committee of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society and editor of her works: "Eastern Antiquities". - How Little-Russian writer, Crimea is primarily a lyric poet suffering soul his "ekzotichni travel are" published under the title: "Palm Gill (2 nd edition, Zvenigorodka, 1902; h. II, 1908). The same lyrical subjectivity permeates his "Povistki and eskizi W ukraynskogo life" (3rd edition, Zvenigorodka, 1904) and, in particular, the novel: "Andrew Lagovsky" (Lviv, 1905). Ethnographic different shade of his "Beyrutski opovidaniya" (Kiev, 1906). Most of the literary works of the Crimean Russian censors banned and published in Austria; review their data at B. Hrinchenko: Crimea as a Ukrainian writer "(Kiev, 1903) and in the history of Ukrainian literature A. Grushevskogo (Kiev, 1909), C. Ephraim (Kiev, 1911) and "Under the banner of art" H. Evshana (Kiev, 1910), samples lyric Crimean cm. the Russian poetic translation L. Staritskaya in Russian Thought (1902, October). Because scientists work in Russian Crimean important part of the series "Works in Oriental studies, published. Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ". These include: "Semitic languages and peoples", . "History of the Arabs" (2 nd Edition, . 1912 - 1914), . "Arabic literature in the essays and samples", . "The Arab reader", . "Sources for the history of Mohammed and literature about him, . "History of Islam" (M., . 1904 - 1912), . Lectures on the Koran "(2 nd Edition, . M., . 1905), . "Arshakides, . Sassanid Empire and the conquest of Iran by the Arabs "(2 nd Edition, . M., . 1905), . "History of Persia, . its literature and dervish theosophy "(3rd edition, . 1909 - 1914), . "The history of Turkey and its literature" (1909 - 1910), . monograph on "errant novels" and others,
. Separately published the following works on the Crimean Oriental (in Little-Russian): "Islam and п№пЎпЁпЎ buduchnist" (Lviv, . 1904, . 2 nd Edition, 1 edition is in the Russian translation, . Moscow, . 1899), "Step-name", . abo iranska book tsariv "(Lviv, . 1896); "Narodni п?п°пЇп?п? and vigadki - for Kloustonom,
. Yak stench blukayut ta perevertayutsya "(Lviv, 1896). Among the works on the history of the Little Russian language published separately: "The criterion for classification diyalektologichnoy staroruskih rukopisiv" (Lviv, 1905), "Philology and Pogodinskaya hypothesis. The fate of Kiev Little Russian dialect XI - XVI centuries "(Kiev, 1904)," Ancient voices (St. Petersburg, 1907, of "Izvestia" of the Academy of Sciences), "On the Little-Russian verbal nouns into enne and inne". (Moscow, 1900), "Ukrainian grammar" (Moscow, 1907). However Mikhal'chuk Crimean processed for the Academy of Science "program for collecting features of Little-Russian dialects" (St. Petersburg, 1910). List of articles on the Crimean Oriental, ethnography, Little Russian philology and literature before 1912. cm. in the jubilee "Dictionary of the members of the Society of Russia's Literature" (1912), there are listed many of the same edition, edited Autism. Many articles placed in the Crimean 82-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus - Ephron and in the present.

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