Lvov Georgy Yevgenovych( Political activist)
Comments for Lvov Georgy Yevgenovych
Biography Lvov Georgy Yevgenovych
Born in 1861,. In 1902 - 1905 he was the chairman of the Tula provincial rural council. During the Japanese war was glavnoupolnomochennym from obschezemskoy organization helping the sick and wounded in the Far East showed first-rate organizational skills, . rare energy and ability to establish correct, . normal relations between employees and the rulers, . Upon returning from the Far East Lviv participated in the organization of congresses rural and urban workers. Participated in a delegation of the Congress, adopted on 6 June 1905. Emperor. Was a member of the first State Duma, a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party. After the dissolution of the State Duma I work Prince Lvov was concentrated in obschezemskoy organization in which he is chairman. Under his leadership, the organization held four food campaigns during the lean years have befallen Russia. In 1907, Mr.. she organized medical and food aid to displaced people in the Far East. In 1913, Mr.. elected mayor of Moscow, but was not approved. In March, 1915. presided at the Congress authorized the provincial zemstvos comprising obschezemskogo Union.