Miliukov Aleksandr Petrovich( Writer)
Comments for Miliukov Aleksandr Petrovich
Biography Miliukov Aleksandr Petrovich
Graduated from St. Petersburg University: teaching literature at the capital's secondary schools and institutes. In 1847, Mr.. published an "Essay on Russian Poetry" (3rd ed., 1864), which was a follower of Belinsky. In this essay acquainted with Russian literature several generations of students. In 1862, Mr.. issued together with Vsev. Kostomarov Literary History of Ancient and New World. Print historical and literary critical articles and literary works in various journals. Separately issued: "Studies in Finland" (Saint-Petersburg, . 1856), . "On the street, and even in some places" (3rd ed., . St.Petersburg, . 1886), . "Good old days" (Saint-Petersburg, . 1872; are curious essay on how, . where Pushkin took the plot for "The Bronze Horseman"), . "The stories and travel memoirs" (St. Petersburg, . 1873), . "Royal Wedding" (epic of the life of Ivan the Terrible, . St.Petersburg, . 1873), . "Pearls of Russian Poetry" (St.-Petersburg, . 1874), . "Echoes of literary and social phenomena" (Saint-Petersburg, . 1875), . "Royal Wedding" (a tale from the life of Ivan the Terrible, . St.Petersburg, . 1886), . Literary meetings and acquaintances "(St-Petersburg, . 1890; a number of portraits and characteristics, . relevant to the history of literature), . Miliukov was involved in the case Petrashevsky as a friend of many members of the circle of the Russian Futurists, but was released from court. S. Sh