Navashin Sergei Gavrilovich( Distinguished botanist morphologist)
Comments for Navashin Sergei Gavrilovich
Biography Navashin Sergei Gavrilovich
Born in 1857. At the end of the course at Moscow University, was a lab assistant at the department of botany at the Agricultural Academy of Peter, then a lab assistant at the department of plant physiology at the St. Petersburg University. Investigation of the parasite birch fruits produced H. Voronin on the idea, initiated a number of works on the morphology amentaceous, due to the fact that H. revealed features of fertilization in this group of plants, studying the disease ovaries birch. At the same time, H. was launched in conjunction with Voronin work on the history of the pouch fungus (Sclerotinia heteroica), representing the case raznodomnogo parasite between marsupials mushrooms. In 1894, H. received a Master of botany for his thesis: "The disease catkins of birch, in 1895 - a doctorate for his thesis" On the birch and the morphological significance halatsogamii ". The most noteworthy discovery of double fertilization in angiosperms. Contains a professor at Kiev University and a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. N. published the following articles: "Peat and peat-forming in the Moscow province" ( "Proceedings of the Petrov Academy", 1887); "Ueber das auf Sphagnum squarrosum parasitirende Helotium" ( "Hedwigia", 1888); "Artichum fertile n. sp. "(" Hedwigia ", . 1889), "Finding Gymnosporangium tremelloides near Moscow" ( "Scripta botanica", . 1889); "Disease birch catkins, . Sclerotinia Betulae "(" Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists ", . 1893); "Zur Embryobildung der Birke" ( "Bulletin de l'Acad, . Imp. des sc. de St.-Pb. ", T. XIII, 1893); "Ueber die gemeine Birke und die morphologische Deutung der Chalazogamie" ( "Memoires de l'Acad. Imp. des sc. de St.-Pt. ", t. XLII,? 12, 1894; the same in Russian in "Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, 1894);" Ein neues Beispiel der Chalazogamie "(" Botan. Centralblatt ", t. LXIII, 1895; "Sclerotinia heteroica" (with ms. Voronin; "Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenkrankheiten ", 1886);" Resultate der Revision der Befruchtungsvorgange bei Lilium Martagon und Fritillaria tenella "(" Bull. de l'Acad. des sc. ", 1898);" Ueber das Verhalten des Pollenschlauches bei der Ulme "(ibid., 1898);" Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chalazogamen, 1. Corylus Avellana "(ib., . 1899), "On fertilization in Compositae and Orchidaceae" (ib., . 1900), "On the fine structure and transformations Plasmodiophlora Brassicae during its intracellular development" ( "Russian Archives of Pathology, . clinical medicine and bacteriology ", . 1900), "On the self-mobility of male sexual nuclei in some angiosperms (" Notes of the Kiev Society of Naturalists ", . t, . XX, 1909), "Details on the formation of male sexual nuclei in Lilium Martagon" (ib., t. XXI, 1910), "On the history of halatsogamnyh, 2. Juglans nirga, Juglans regia "(jointly with VV. Finn, ib., T. XXII, 1912). V. Palladin.
User comments
Dimka for Navashin Sergei Gavrilovich |
Double fertilization in flowering in 1898 |
ц?ц?ц? for Navashin Sergei Gavrilovich |
cool |