Oreshnikov Alexei V.( numismatist)
Comments for Oreshnikov Alexei V.
Biography Oreshnikov Alexei V.
(born 1855), senior curator of the Historical Museum in Moscow. He was educated at the Moscow Academy of Commerce. Proceedings of him: "Russian Coins before 1547" (M., . 1896) and several articles on the topic udelnovechevogo period, . sphragistics and Russian medals, . printed in editions of Moscow Numismatic Society: "Monument to the XV century, . located in the White House in Rostov "(M., . 1894), . "Daniel Gurchin, . Moscow pharmacist beginning of XVIII century "(ib., . 1916) and other, . Proceedings on ancient numismatics: "Zur Munzkunde des Cimm. Bosporus "(Moscow, 1883)," Cimmerian Bosporus in the era Spartokidov "(ib., 1884)," Coins Vosporskogo kingdom collection of Count A.S. Uvarov "(ib., 1887) and several articles in" Proceedings of the Moscow Numismatic Society and Numismatic Collection ", which he was editor. From 1893 to 1897 years has led to the order of collection of ancient Greek coins of Moscow University, described the university issued in 1891