Petrenko-Kritchenko Pavel Ivanovich( Chemist)
Comments for Petrenko-Kritchenko Pavel Ivanovich
Biography Petrenko-Kritchenko Pavel Ivanovich
Born in 1866. He graduated from the course in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Novorossiysk. In 1894, Mr.. was promoted to private-docent at the same university, where in 1900. was appointed extraordinary, and in 1903. - Full professor of chemistry. Scientific activities Petrenko-Kritchenko primarily devoted to the study of regularities aldegidnyh condensation reactions of ketones rates and establish the exact characteristics of cyclic compounds. Of his published works are the following: "The effect of substitution on the course of some reactions of carbon compounds" (Master's thesis, . 1896), "On tetragidropironnyh compounds" (doctoral dissertation, . 1899); "Zur Characteristik der Keton-und Aldehydreactionen" ( "Ann, . d. Ch. ", 341);" The ease of education ringed compounds "(" Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, 1905); "Ueber die Reactionsgeschwindigkeit bei der Bildung von oximen" ( "Ber. d. deutsch. ch. Ges. ", 1900).