Kwan Lo( Chinese astrologer hronomant)
Comments for Kwan Lo
Biography Kwan Lo
(<7.04> .209 - 256) -- He lived in the period of "Three Kingdoms" (III cent.). In his works G.L. first connected system 12 "branches" and 10 "barrels" with the concept of verse 5 (a sin), and developed a system based on their predictions and determine the fate of. This system later became more popular and became known in China as "Chu mines" or "Liu-personnel mines" ( "computation" [fate] "), and in the West - as the" oriental horoscope ". G.L. also worked on fen-shui (geomancy).
G.L. ascribed the following words: "My fate is linked to yin (one of 12" branches "). I was born at night during the eclipse of the Moon. The heavens have a certain rhythm that you can learn, but ordinary people did not know ". If we take these words and year of birth correct, then we can assume that G.L. Born in the night of 7 / 8 April 209 g. (Articles), when a total lunar eclipse occurred, and went a month associated with "branch" yin.