BOBROV Evgeny( Philosopher, posledovatelTeyhmyullera and Kozlov, interpreter of Leibniz. Supporter panpsihizma.)
Comments for BOBROV Evgeny
Biography BOBROV Evgeny
(1867-1933) Born 24 (5 February) in January 1867 in Riga. He graduated from Dorpat (Yurievsky) University, where he studied under the guidance of the Teichmuller. In 1895 he defended his master's thesis the relation of art to science and morality, which acted as a follower of Leibniz and the Teichmuller. Since 1899 - professor of Kazan University, and from 1906 - Warsaw University. In 1920 Bobrov - a university professor in Rostov-na-Donu. Died Bobrov in Rostov-on-Don, March 12, 1933. In his philosophical works Bobrov followed the principles neoleybnitsianstva Teichmuller panpsihizma Lotze and AA Kozlov. He translated into Russian Monadology Leibniz (1890). Own philosophical position Bobrov defined as 'critical individualism', believing that this definition corresponds to the basic and most promising trends in European philosophy of the New Age. After Descartes, philosophy makes a fundamental shift in its development and addresses the problem of individual consciousness, the problem of individual. Case continued Descartes Leibniz and Kant. Bobrov sought to avoid the extremes epistemologism, carried away philosophy, in his view, an entirely unpromising way to 'escape' from the ontology ( 'the question of Being is the central question of all metaphysics'). Traditional leybnitsianstva for three types of existence - an ideal, real and substantial - Bobrov added another type: being koordinalnoe. That his idea, he gave the utmost importance, considering 'coordination' the highest form of life. 'Koordinalny' character has a very human way of thinking, . constantly opening up and finding all kinds of communication ( 'the idea is to coordinate the elements of consciousness'), . and universal and, . certainly, . spiritual ( 'panpsihizm') reality, . considered in its entirety, . ie, . and its relation to the Absolute ( 'universe is coordination exists between them and God'). Bobrov has made a significant contribution to the study of the history of Russian philosophy.