VOLGA Alexander( Literary critic and publicist.)
Comments for VOLGA Alexander
Biography VOLGA Alexander
Trivia Studied in Simbirsk school, in 1898. entered Juridical. Dept., Moscow. un-ta, where he poured. savings. In 1901, Mr.. During the Cold War name stud. unrest as editor of illegal J.. "Student Life" was excluded from Zap and exiled for two years under strict police surveillance at home. I got carried away lit. and Philosophy. criticism. Since 1916. lectured in Nizhny Novgorod People. un-te on the history of Russian. lit-ry XIX century. and then to kaf. Russian history. lit-ry in the Nizhny Novgorod State. un-te (from 1920 to 1922) and Nizhny Novgorod ped. Ying-te (from 1920 to 1923). In 1923, Mr.. V. moved to Moscow and worked as an economist and auditor in various financial institutions. Since 1933. resumed literary. work and began working with ed-tion "Academia" and Goslltlzdat. The influence of Solovyov and Before-stoevskogo. Upholding the ideal of "anarhiche-tion theocracy, brought him close to Bulgakov, VF. Ernom and VP. Sventsitsky: in 1905-07 he. He was a member of Christian Fellowship of struggle and participated in almost all literary. projects "relig.-societies. direction ". After 1907. V. gradually returned to the position of the Orthodox Church and with it, from almost-walks of literary-Philosophy. critics. The last large-Naya work "Holy Russia and Russian. vocation ", co-holding a Russian apology. rel. and th. ideas, they were released Dep. kn. in 1915. (Adapted from the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow, 1995)
Teaching philosophical and literary preference it gave Soloviev and especially Dostoevsky and as a thinker was not original. However, sharing the principles of the philosophical system of the first and the religious quest of the second, Volga overemphasized the weakness of their position in the formulation of social issues. (Ulnar About. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 99).
Major works of Holy Russia and Russian. vocation. 1915
Works GI. Assumption of the disease identity rus. Rights / Eng. wealth. 1904. ? 1-2; festive Development Co-operation amorality / NA and P. 1902. Kn. 64; Mis-matic pantheism In. V. Rozanov Vopr. life. 1905. ? 1-3; Christian experiences in the Russian. lit-re ibid. 1905. ? 4-5; Religious morality-MILITARY problems Dostoevsky / / God's World. 1905. ? 6-8; From the world literature. quest. BM, 1906; Prob-Lehmann evil in BC. Solov'eva Vopr. religion. MA, 1906; GI. Assumption life. M., 1935.
L Literature, etc.: In. / / Entsikl. words. / Brockhaus and Efron. SPb., 1895. T. 2a (ext.); Glinka / / New entsikl. words. / Brockhaus and Efron. T. 13; TSB. 1929. T. 12; On pre-senting. his ideals / Lunacharsky AV. Critical studies. JI., 1925; Kolerov MA,. Lokteva OK. S.N. Bulgakov relig.-Philosophy. print (1906-1907) / / Li-ca. M., 1994. Tech. 5. A p x.: RGALI. F. 142. Gn. 1. D. 336-339.