Asmus, Valentin Fernandovich( Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy (1940), Professor (1935).)
Comments for Asmus, Valentin Fernandovich
Biography Asmus, Valentin Fernandovich
(18/30.12.1894-5.6.1975) Trivia Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology. Dept., Kiev University (1919). In 1939, Mr.. - Prof.. MSU. Article. scientific. al. Inst philosophy USSR (since 1968), Art. scientific. al. Inst world literature (from 1956). Honored. Scientist of the RSFSR, Laureate of State. Prize (1943) for participation in the work on 'The History of Philosophy' (Moscow, 1940-43). Action. member of the Internat. Inst philosophy in Paris. (Adapted from the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow, 1995)
Teaching Analysis of the Western concepts of anti-intellectualism (wider - the problem of direct knowledge of the history of philosophy), a study of Kant's philosophy, history, dialectics, etc.. became the leading themes in the work of Asmus as a historian of philosophy, he continued to develop their practice throughout their lives. (Blauberg AND. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 35).
Main works History of Ancient Philosophy. , 1965 (2 nd ed., 1975), Immanuel Kant. M., 1973, issue of intuition in philosophy and mathematics. M., 1963
Works sketch of the dialect. method in modern philosophy from Kant to Lenin. Kiev, 1924; to the contentious issue of History of Philosophy: (A Varyashu) / / PZM. 1927. ? 1; Nazi falsification therein. class. Philosophy. M., 1942; Descartes. , 1956; philosophy of Immanuel Kant. , 1957; Democritus. , 1960, Jean Jacques Rousseau. , 1962; History of Ancient Philosophy. , 1965 (2 nd ed., 1975), Immanuel Kant. M., 1973, issue of intuition in philosophy and mathematics. Moscow, 1963 (2 nd ed., 1965); Problems in the theory and history of aesthetics. M., 1968; Him. aesthetics of the XVIII century. , 1962; Izbr. Philosophy. tr.: In 2 vols. M., 1969. Vol.1, 1971. V.2; Lev Shestov and Kierkegaard / FN, 1971,? 3; Existential philosophy: Its aims and results: (Lev six of its adept and critic) / / A man and his existence as a problem sovr. Philosophy.
Literature VF Asmus - a teacher and thinker (on the 100 anniversary of his birth) / NA. 1995. ? 1