Giuseppe Maria Crespi (Crespi Giuseppe Maria)( Italian painter)
Comments for Giuseppe Maria Crespi (Crespi Giuseppe Maria)
Biography Giuseppe Maria Crespi (Crespi Giuseppe Maria)
(nicknamed Lo Spanolo di Bologna - Bologna Spanish) (1665-1747) Born in Bologna, March 16, 1665. He studied at the recent Bologna academics, then traveled to Northern Italy to study the works of masters of the High Renaissance, mainly Venetian. The emotional and purely painterly approach to the interpretation of the story distinguishes art from Crespi academic tradition. His style marks a transition from the mature Baroque to Rococo. Almost impressionistic style, . quivering with rapid strokes of the brush, . freedom in the interpretation of the theme, . abundance of white glare, . total silver tone palette, . lyrical mood, . prevailing in many of his paintings, . portend Venetian painting 18, . Most of the paintings Crespi - is approached from a sense of humor and subtle poetic feeling scenes from everyday life. He wrote as paintings on religious and mythological themes, among them, for example, a series of seven sacraments (Dresden Gallery), Chiron, Achilles learning archery (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum). Died Crespi in Bologna, July 16, 1747.