Neel (Zakamskaya) Nikolay( prominent figures of Russian culture in the middle of the nineteenth., Writer)
Comments for Neel (Zakamskaya) Nikolay
Biography Neel (Zakamskaya) Nikolay
(late 1808 or early 1809, with. Grandfather Gzhatsk district of Smolensk province - 1850, with. Sands Gzhatsk district of Smolensk province) The writer, a military historian, translator. Was the first Russian professor of the Academy of General Staff, he taught military history and strategy. Proceedings H. "Sketches of the current state strategy," "The experience of describing the battle of Borodino," "Sketches of the Thirty Years' War," "The War of Spanish Succession to the throne" and others. were widely known in Russia.
The cruel disease and fracture of both legs broke off his work as a scientist, writer, translator. He left Moscow, leaving many of his unpublished manuscript. Handwriting Heritage H. remains unexplored. In the manuscript Neelova fund maintained by the State Archives of the Smolensk region., Along with memoirs and works on military history, are his works of art: a novel, novella, short stories and drama, poems. Only a small part of the legacy H. published. In the Russian journals in the mid-nineteenth. appeared quite a few responses to his work. Particular attention was attracted by his historical drama "Menshikov," written by a dramatic white verse.
The archive of the Smolensk region contains the manuscripts of translations of H. from Byron, representing a new chapter in the history of Russian bayroniany mid-nineteenth century. In the fund Neelova in the JI-AP containing letters of many Russian writers.
Lit.: Papers and abstracts XI conference SGPI. - Smolensk, 1960; Nicholas LI: 1) A comparative study of literatures. - L.: Nauka, 1976. 2) Problems of stylistics and translation. - Smolensk, 1976. 3) Smolensk in the history of Russian literature and culture. - Smolensk, 1993.