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RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich
Biography RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich
(1925 - 2. 2. 1945)

H ikolai Stepanovich Rybakov, Sergeant, gunner, self-propelled artillery system 1222-the first self-propelled artillery Novgorod Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment, was born in 1925 in Dr.. Nikolevke Balashov District, Saratov Region. Russian. He graduated from the seven-year school, worked as a tractor on the farm.

In 1943 he was mobilized into the Red Army. In 1944 - 1945 years of fighting on the 1 st Ukrainian Front. Participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Poland, defeating the enemy in Germany. For the difference in battle had three of gratitude from the command.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Stepanovich Rybakov awarded posthumously April 10, 1945 for bravery and courage, . shown in crossing the Oder and in the battles for the retention and expansion of the trapped bridgehead on the west bank of the River.,


January 31, 1945 gunners were ordered, along with tank crews to learn the village Lampersdorf - heavily fortified host defense
. Self-propelled gun Rybakova moved to a locality under heavy artillery fire from the closed position. Rybakov first of the crew noticed a column of enemy vehicles with the soldiers, which draws on the southern outskirts of the village, and reported to the commander. The commander ordered the self-propelled drived speed. When the column is left up to five hundred yards, Rybakov, opened fire from a cannon. From the first car on fire a projectile, coming in the middle of the column. Reaching behind the machine turned off the highway, some of them are stuck in the gutters. Hitler's soldiers in a panic jumped from the cars on the ground and ran towards the village. Rybakov economical use of shells, as well as in their self-propelled small-just three decades - and each of them must be released exactly at the target. Fishermen are well aware of, so on every machine he spent one shell. Best shot he lit one after the other four vehicles and armored personnel carrier, as well as because of the fire and smoke sighting and firing at the convoy was no longer possible, he suffered a fire on the infantry. Fragmentation shells exploded in the midst of enemies.

To help the gunners tankers arrived, the Chelyabinsk Tank Brigade. By mid-day the enemy in the village was destroyed Lampersdorf. In this battle the fire from the gun and submachine gun Rybakov destroyed about 150 Nazi soldiers and officers.

After some time over the village came a squadron of Nazi bombers. "Junkers" lay on the combat course, but to drop bombs on a target did not have time: they were quickly attacked by Soviet fighters. Abandoning their bombs anywhere, having lost three aircraft, vultures quickly went to the west.

Meanwhile, enemy artillery opened fire. Dozens of batteries fired on the location of our units. Up to 30 tanks and a battalion of infantry moved in a counter. Eight tanks were on the gun Rybakova. Boiled hot battle. Gunner sent a shell for shell. From his well-aimed hit already blazed the head tank.

Suddenly, something hot burned hand Rybakova, struck in the legs, back. From the blood soaked shirt. The commander of the machine gunner's tied up and ordered him to evacuate to the rear, but fishermen refused and resumed firing at the tanks. Most recent rounds, he knocked out two Nazi tanks. The remaining vehicles backed ago. In ravine, they came under flanking fire-tank and its inhabitants were destroyed.

The infantry of the enemy, remained without tanks, tried to break into the village, but was met by machine gun fire. Then our tanks and gunners themselves went on the offensive, destroying infantry fire, and caterpillars. By evening the enemy was defeated, and expanded a bridgehead.

T nly after it was won a decisive victory over the enemy, NS. Rybakov was evacuated to hospital. The wounds were fatal, and February 2, 1945 hero died.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich, photo, biography
RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich, photo, biography RYBAKOV Nikolai Stepanovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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